
Trump Using the Military Against Radical Leftists Is a Defensive Measure, Not an Authoritarian One

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Earlier on Wednesday, I wrote an article about the left going full bore (faux) panic over Donald Trump willing to say he'd use the military, namely the National Guard, against radical leftists should they rise up. 

It's a move that I agreed with, even though as a libertarian, the idea of using the U.S. forces on American citizens is something I'm vehemently not okay with. However, I can square my belief that Trump is right in doing so with my ideology in the fact that these people aren't acting as Americans. In fact, they're very openly anti-American and are acting against Americans when they rise up and riot. 

(RELATED: The Left Just Proved How Radical They've Become With Some Bizarre Fearmongering)

As I mentioned, many police departments are woefully understaffed and lack resources to deal with a large uprising like the kind you saw with Black Lives Matter during the 2016 and 2020 elections. Many Democrat leaders weren't just unwilling to take action to stop the death and destruction, they were outright cheering for it. 

Yet, the left wants to paint Trump as a dictator in waiting who will unleash the military on anyone he doesn't like, despite the fact that Trump was very particular about the fact that his only target would be the radical left who love to riot and destroy when they don't get their way. 

With the 2024 election looking increasingly like a Trump victory, the odds that another riot is going to spark aren't exactly low. 

According to The Hill, Trump defended his position on this, and said something very poignant: 

Trump sat for a Fox News town hall with a friendly audience of women voters in Georgia, where host Harris Faulkner played a clip of the former president saying in a recent interview that his Democratic opponents were the “enemy within” and suggested the military could quell unrest.

“I don’t know, I thought it was a nice presentation. That wasn’t unhinged. No, you know what they are, they’re a party of sound bites,” Trump said at the town hall, which was recorded Tuesday and aired Wednesday on “The Faulkner Focus.”

“It is the enemy from within, and they’re very dangerous,” Trump continued. “They’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick.”

Trump went on to single out Democratic California Reps. Adam Schiff and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“These people — they’re so sick, and they’re so evil. If they would spend their time trying to make America great again, it would be so easy to make this country great,” Trump said. “I’m not threatening anybody. They’re the ones doing the threatening. They do phony investigations.”

To be clear, Trump isn't threatening to use the military against Pelosi and Schiff, merely highlighting that they're the ones actually on the offensive and utilizing their positions in dictatorial ways. 

And he's correct. 

Trump, and indeed the Republican Party, are hardly the authoritarians in the room. The Democrat Party has expressed disdain for American rights such as the First and Second Amendment. They've utilized their power to go after political opponents, and not just Trump, either. Parents, Christians, Conservative organizations, and independent journalists have all been harassed or threatened by a Democrat-controlled federal government.  

Trump's use of the National Guard isn't a dictatorial move, it's defensive. 

Let's remember that the Democrat's stood by and even applauded the Black Lives Matter riots, downplayed the domestic terrorist group known as Antifa, and even tried to help rioters get out of prison by raising bail money. 

You can ask Kamala Harris about that. She helped. 

Remember Portland, Kenosha, and the Chaz/Chop riots were all conducted by anti-American agitators helped along by the Democrat Party and its media. They constantly fanned the flames. Regular American people lost livelihoods, and the really unlucky ones lost family members. People were assaulted and beaten nearly to death. Businesses burned to the ground, never to recover. Even today, the mass looting you see on the news is an echo of these riots, being justified as "reparations" and written off as being covered by insurance when it often isn't or actually drives up insurance costs on the person being stolen from. 

They have to be stopped. The American people have to be defended, thus Trump's measure is a defensive one, not an authoritarian action. 

Yet the Democrats are trying to paint it as a madman trying to seize control. 

No, he's saying he's willing to establish order out of the chaos the left is trying to spread. If a man is beating up an innocent person, the police officer that uses force to stop him is not a dictator, he's a hero. 

The sad fact is that the left put Trump in this position. They're the authoritarians. They're the anti-American actors. If you're acting against Americans, then you should be stopped, and if the National Guard has to come in to stop you from harming Americans, then that says more about you than the person wielding the National Guard. 


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