Results for: trump

Trump Surrogate Authors Book On The Trump Candidacy
Trump? … that he knew Trump had no intention to ever do. … Conway, on the other hand, knew how to calm Trump down on long airplane rides.…
The Final Debate Before Iowa: Trump v. Trump
– If you’re bummed out that Donald Trump skipped the last debate before Iowa, don’t worry: Stephen Colbert decided to moderate a debate … involving Trump. … Donald Trump. This is hilarious and very well done.…
President Trump Would Be Different Than Candidate Trump
Trump: No. It would be a different tone.” … The interesting exchange about how President Trump would be different than presidential candidate Trump begins at about the 4:48 mark … What you see with presidential candidate Trump is not what you would get with a President Trump.…
Trump Endorser Bill Shuster is a Weak, Unethical, Corrupt Trump Supporter That Endorsed Trump…weak-unethical-corrupt-trump-supporter-endorsed-trump-n59156
– Bill Shuster, Trump endorser extraordinaire, who is under fire for pushing legislation that explicitly does his girlfriend’s employer … willing to go Dem to try to get him out of office, his spokesperson notes that Shuster will be “will be working hard to elect Donald Trump … Also, it bears repeating, he endorsed Trump.…
Crush Trump Protest: "What Do We Want? DEAD TRUMP!"
– Dead Trump!” the rioters screamed at one point. … It is hateful and vengeful and riotous and violent and they won’t stop with Donald Trump. … Trump is talking about retaliation. And riots. So great news all around.…
Donald Trump Disparages Judge in Trump University Fraud Case
– At what point do we start likening Donald Trump to a feral cat? You can’t reason with him. … over the class action fraud lawsuit against Trump University, U.S. … “Trump noted he might have to testify in the case after being elected president.…
Eric Trump Compares Trump University To Harvard - Really (VIDEO)
– Eric Trump was on Fox News with Martha MacCallum talking about various topics when Trump University came up. … Donald Trump used to brag Trump U had an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau but that was nonsense. … So when Eric Trump brought up Harvard University as a means of comparing it to people dissatisfied with Trump University, I could not…
Trump Campaign Funds Paid for Trump Jr's Legal Fees
– It would seem the Trump team knew that trouble was ahead with the unveiling of Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer … in Trump Tower a year ago. … Donald Trump – making lawyers rich again.…
Donald Trump Debates Donald Trump On The Issues (VIDEO)
– For supporters of Donald Trump, they will believe any and every word that comes out of his mouth. … In order to be helpful, Trump has decided to debate himself on the issues. … Many of us have always claimed that Donald Trump is a conman and a liar, but no one proved that better than Trump himself.…
Trump Pal Predicts Civil War If Trump Impeached (VIDEO)
– TMZ caught up with Roger Stone, longtime Trump pal and unofficial adviser to Donald Trump, and got this lovely bit of commentary: … “People will not stand for [impeachment of President Trump]. … Obama started the ball rolling, but Trump superpowered the age of incivility in America.…
Trump, Cruz Meet At Trump Tower - Big News Ahead?
– Ted Cruz met with President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday. … The two met at Trump Tower in New York City, where Trump has been working on the presidential transition. … Despite the animosity between Cruz and Trump during the presidential campaign, Cruz has some fans in the Trump camp.…
Mueller Wants to Question Trump (And Trump May Comply)
– Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in the course of investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, is said to … White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Tuesday (before news broke that Trump was considering meeting with Mueller … Comey also told Congress that Trump had privately asked him if he could see a path to firing Flynn.…
Trump Administration Cleans Up Cronyism. Cronies Sue Trump Administration…cleans-up-cronyism-cronies-sue-trump-administration-n253168
– The Donald Trump Administration inherited a LOT of accrued crap with which to deal. … Enter the Swamp-draining Trump Administration – and its USPTO Director Andrei Iancu.…
Trump Lawyer: Motion to Dismiss Coming on Trump Indictment
– Former President Donald Trump is expected to get arraigned this week on charges brought by the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg in what many … “Whether you send the right or the left or you’re a supporter or detractor of Donald Trump, this should really bother you,” Tacopina … He said he didn’t expect there to be a “perp walk” on Tuesday when Trump is scheduled to be charged, he wasn’t sure there would be…
Trump Supporter: I Wouldn't Even Believe Jesus Over Trump
– This is the kind of blasphemous nonsense that is going on with Trump supporters that turns my stomach. … It’s highly possible that CNN went out and found the dumbest, most uninformed and reprobate Trump supporters they could dig up, but … “Trump is there for the small guy; he’s there for people like myself,” Lee said. So who was Jesus there for?…
Former Speaker Paul Ryan Predictably Clobbers Trump, 'Trump Populism'
– Former House Speaker Paul Ryan in a Wednesday interview with the Washington Post clobbered Donald Trump, whining that "Trump populism … And I think you can safely argue-- I don’t enjoy acknowledging this-- that Trump is the establishment and Trump populism is the establishment … Obviously, former President Trump is pushing this line as well.…
Trump Sparks Reactions With Introduction of Gold Trump Sneakers
– ) of his newest enterprise - Trump sneakers. … Trump spoke for roughly 10 minutes, appearing alongside a pair of gold, custom Trump-branded sneakers that are now being sold in limited … See Related: NEW: Trump Makes Fiery Response to Judge's Decision in NY Civil Fraud Case 'GAME OVER'—Trump Mocks Fani Willis' Clown…
Trump Knows Easter
Trump can rest easy, knowing he shares their values. Sort of.…
Trump Wins Arizona
– The AP and CNN have called Arizona for Donald Trump, as expected. … Second, it looks like the non-Trump votes of Cruz and Kasich might top Trump combined – even though early voting began when Rubio was … While Trump has been turning out his own horde of voters, Cruz and Kasich were able to tap into an equivalent anti-Trump sentiment,…
California Stopping Trump
– Three veteran California Republican operatives, Rob Stutzman, Richard Temple and Ray McNally are working to keep Donald Trump from … Trump has failed to master the complicated minutia of delegate allocation — a major weakness of his candidacy. … Stutzman plans to ramp up the California stop Trump effort in the next ten before early voting starts there on May 9.…
Trump Can't Win
Trump hasn’t sworn off fundraising. … Trump also has no experience raising campaign cash. Worse, Trump has alienated Republican Party fund raisers. … That’s why Trump can’t win the presidency.…
Pigasus vs. Trump
Trump has failed to articulate a foreign policy agenda for months. 2. … But that still is more than Trump has proffered thus far. 4. Pigasus didn’t tweet. Nuff said. 5. … When people call Trump a pig, they’re not being literal. Unlike Herr Trump, Pigasus is the real deal.…
Trump Owns TrumpCare
– I made this point early this afternoon, but the events of the day have only reinforced the conclusion: President Donald Trump bears … But he also warned the GOP, “this is the bill” backed by President Trump. … Similarly, Kevin Brady reinforced the idea that Trump is pushing this version of the bill: The president made it very clear that…
Trump Renounces Birtherism
Trump attacked the birth certificate as a fraud. … Trump: “Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious.” … If Trump says Obama was born in America he was.…
A Trump Win
– The thing to do in the current political climate is to hate everything about Trump and his administration. … A cursory glance at social media feeds on both sides of the political aisle indicates an outright derision for all things Trump. … this piece from The Diplomat makes clear: The early morning release of this presidential tweet and its content suggested that Trump
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