Results for: illegal aliens 2023

House GOP Demands Answers From DHS, FBI, DOD on Jordanian Nationals Trying to Breach Marine Base…jordanian-nationals-trying-to-breach-va-marine-base-n2174587
– Readers may remember the disturbing story we wrote earlier in May about two illegal aliens, Jordanian nationals, who tried to crash … Committee previously expressed concern to you about hostile foreign nationals released into the United States in a September 19, 2023
Border Crisis Explodes: Shocking Data Reveals Over 1.6 Million 'Gotaways' Under Biden Administration…over-16-million-gotaways-under-biden-administration-n2174240
– It appears illegal immigrants are “getting away” from Border Patrol under the Biden administration in record numbers. … Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, reveals that over 1.6 million "gotaways" were recorded in Fiscal Year 2021 through 2023 … The increase is attributed to both a substantial spike in the number of illegal aliens crossing the border and the fact that enhanced…
Report: House Committee Set to Investigate Sharp Rise in Chinese Illegal Immigration…vestigate-sharp-rise-in-chinese-illegal-immigration-n2174073
– immigrants in April 2023, which has increased the speed of Chinese illegal immigrants entering the country.The CBP email directed … However, the same government does not want to stop the flow of illegal aliens or Chinese nationals — just the ‘bad ones,’ which is … There were over 24,000 Chinese illegal immigrants intercepted by border authorities in 2023, which is more than have been nabbed in…
Tuesday Morning Minute
– with ABC on Sunday.Biden's Bizarre Cinco de Mayo Comments About Two Year Olds, Cutting Donald TrumpHe also offensively equates illegalaliens with immigrants who went about coming here the right way and lies about what Trump has said on immigration. … Antisemitism in Higher Education”House Education and the Workforce — "Examining the Education Department's Policies, Priorities, and FY 2023
NEW: DHS Docs Show Top Cities Biden Admin Flew Migrants Under Controversial Program, 80% to Single State…flew-migrants-to-under-controversial-parole-program-n2173572
– Homeland Security Committee subpoena to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shows that thousands of illegal … directly under certain conditions, such as having a sponsor in the U.S. and being approved for travel.Between January and August 2023 … Green said:These documents expose the egregious lengths Secretary Mayorkas will go to ensure inadmissible aliens reach every corner…
Elon Highlights Awful Sanctuary City Policies That Release Alleged Child Sex Offenders Into Our Cities…release-alleged-child-sex-offenders-into-our-cities-n2172905
aliens, despite ICE wanting them to be held so they can pick them up and deport them. … U.S., & later arrested in Massachusetts for child rape in Dec. 2023. …  Related: Ohio Sheriff Nails Biden on Illegal Alien Crime, Then 7-Time Deported Alien Makes Facts Even Worse…
'I Am Not Woke': Fetterman Continues to Surprise, Blasts Squatters and Violent Crime…nues-to-surprise-blasts-squatters-and-violent-crime-n2172430
– As if to emphasize that impression, he returned in April, 2023 from a hospital stay for depression and showed up for duty at the Senate … those who sneak into people's vacant homes and refuse to leave, have been in the news a lot lately, as the practice has risen and illegalaliens have joined the party.…
Happy April Fool's Day! When Silliness Abounds, and Even the Absurd Might Just Seem Possible…bounds-and-even-the-absurd-might-just-seem-possible-n2172164
– — Will 🇺🇸 🍢 (@NoLeftTurns) April 1, 2024The headline at the Beacon declares, "Biden Says His Next SCOTUS Nominee 'Will Be An Illegal … Look at the treatment of millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the country. … Once illegal aliens have entered the country, they are given phones, pre-loaded gift cards, and free transportation to the city of…
Florida Sheriff Issues Awesome Warning to Squatters After DeSantis Announces Crackdown on the Insanity…rs-after-desantis-announces-crackdown-on-the-idiocy-n2172101
–  Me, too — I just can't include it in this article.As "squatting" continues to spread across the country, including by illegalaliens, and squatters have become savvier about their "rights" — which should be zero — Florida Gov. … Jacksonville property owner Patti Peeples told Fox News host Pete Hegseth in 2023, after multiple squatters moved into her property…
Chinese Illegal Alien Arrested at US Military Base, but That May Just Be the Tip of the Iceberg
– We've been reporting on the huge flood of illegal aliens pouring across the southern border, and for more than three years now, Joe … The House Oversight Committee raised the alarm in October 2023 about Chinese nationals accessing military bases. … 24,000 Chinese Illegal Immigrants Nabbed at Southern Border in 2023
'Indefensible': Sen. Bill Hagerty re: Senate Dems' Vote on Taxpayer Funding of Illegal Immigrant Flights…te-on-taxpayer-funding-of-illegal-immigrant-flights-n2171868
– Recent reporting revealed that, in 2023, the Biden Administration flew as many as 320,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. to deliberately …  Do you support Americans’ tax dollars being used to fly illegal aliens into the United States from places like Venezuela and …  A ‘no’ vote means you are voting to preserve Biden’s egregious scheme to import hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens each…
REPORT: Haitian Arrested for Raping 15-Year-Old Disabled Girl Flew to NYC Via Biden 'Humanitarian Parole'…bled-girl-flew-to-nyc-via-biden-humanitarian-parole-n2171430
– As embattled President Joe Biden absurdly continues to try to shift the blame for his intentionally created illegal alien invasion … Aliens Who Beat Cops Have a Nasty Message for America - This Is Where Biden Has Led UsThe most infamous of these crimes to date was … The program is an effort to cut down on high numbers of illegal crossings at the border.…
BUSTED: Border Patrol Officer Accepted Bribes to Smuggle Illegal Immigrants Into United States…es-to-smuggle-illegal-immigrants-into-united-states-n2171394
– A former Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer pleaded guilty to charges of accepting bribes to smuggle illegal immigrants and … This occurred on at least nine occasions between September and November 2023,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. … Aliens in Softball Interview—'Wouldn't It Be More Orderly?'…
San Francisco: The Collapse Continues
– The Richmond also saw four homicides in 2023, a noticeable spike given that police statistics show no more than one killing annually …  Burglaries reported in the neighborhood in 2023 increased about 8% over the previous year to 480 from 443, even as tallies continued … Aliens With Violent Criminal RecordsWhat's wrong with the voters in San Francisco?…
Missouri Boy Taken off Life Support After Head-On Collision Involving Illegal Immigrant…after-head-on-collision-involving-illegal-immigrant-n2171265
–  Twelve year-old Travis Wolfe was killed by an illegal alien from Venezuela. … HIs blood, and the blood of other Americans killed by illegal aliens, is on the hands of Joe Biden.— Dr. … Think there couldn't possibly be any illegal immigrants coming into your area?…
California Legislature Seeks to Fund the Defense of Illegal Aliens With Violent Criminal Records…ense-of-illegal-alien-with-violent-criminal-records-n2171202
– AB 2031 would allow taxpayer-funded legal aid organizations to pay for the representation of criminal illegal aliens. … aliens and acting according to that knowledge. … Even more recently, the 2022 murders of three children by their illegal alien father.…
Ukrainian Drones Bomb Russian Oil Facilities - Could Something Like That Happen Here?…facilities-and-i-wonder-when-does-that-happen-here-n2171294
– population did not have access to power at the flick of the switch.In fact, my last offering on this topic was just back in November of 2023 … certain, and the blame for this goes squarely at the feet of the Biden Administration; since 2021, millions of unscreened, unvetted, illegalaliens have been allowed in - or even flown in - and we have no idea what most of them intend to do.…
Should U.S. Citizens Pay for Illegal Immigrants’ Health Care?
– The state now provides health care for more than one million illegal aliens, including 203,000 children and 235,000 adults over 50- …  That thorny problem has led some in Congress to tap the brakes on federal money going to health care for illegal aliens. … he thinks.In December of 2023, there were 250,000 migrant encounters at the U.S.…
Elon Musk Exposes Biden's Little Known Program That Has Flown 320,000 Illegal Aliens Into the Country
– owner Elon Musk pointed out an issue that most people don't even know about - that not only is Biden leaving the door open for illegalaliens to come in, Biden was also flying people into this country from other countries so they don't even have to cross the border … immigrants from foreign countries into at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023.The program was…
Biden's Intentional Illegal Alien Invasion Set to Surpass 8 Million People by October…alien-backlog-expected-to-hit-8-million-by-october-n2170834
– In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement...More than eight million illegal aliens will be living in the U.S. by the … Second, does it not make sense to eliminate the threat of any violent crime committed by illegal aliens who shouldn't be … Aliens, but the Facts RemainGroup of Illegal Aliens Asked Whether They Prefer Biden or Trump in Charge of the Border — Any Guesses…
The More We Learn About the Alleged Murderer of GA Nursing Student, the Worse It Gets…ed-murderer-of-ga-nursing-student-the-worse-it-gets-n2170581
– On Sept. 14, 2023, Ibarra was arrested by the New York Police Department and charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less … As Van Laar observed in 2020:Preventable victims like Marilyn Pharis and Gracie Aguilar, both of whom were killed by illegal aliens … Nope, they’re all about ensuring that criminal illegal aliens – who are the ones ICE is targeting – feel like they have a green light…
Is the UN Behind the Illegal Alien Invasion of America? Former Panama Border Chief Says Yes.…southern-border-former-panama-border-chief-says-yes-n2170525
–  Documents show that in 2023, a record 500,000 migrants traveled through the dense jungle known as the Darien Gap from Colombia … aliens to the Mexico-U.S. border as the worst president in the history of the United States can eagerly import. … aliens surging into America virtually setting new records every month.…
Becoming an American the Right Way About to Cost a Lot More. Coming in Illegally Still Free.…t-to-cost-a-lot-more-coming-in-illegally-still-free-n2170400
– Luxury' Building With Indoor Pool, Marble Bathrooms Democrat Governors and Mayors Throw Hissy Fits at Each Other Over Shipping IllegalAliens Back and ForthThis entire controversy has been boiling over for a while now, and it's common for people on the left to paint … United States legally is significant.USCIS administered the Oath of Allegiance to more than 878,500 new citizens in fiscal year 2023
Michigan: Please Pick Up Illegals at Airport, Find Housing, Enroll Kids in School, and Find Them Jobs…nd-housing-enroll-kids-in-school-and-find-them-jobs-n2170364
– state of Michigan’s request to its residents asks a whole lot of its populace as they try to shift the burden of out-of-control illegal … While I may feel for the plight of illegal immigrants – some though not all of whom actually just want a better life – I simply don … aliens into our country.…
COLLAPSE: Oakland Business Owner Says Crime Epidemic 'Worst I've Ever Seen It'
– closed its downtown Oakland location last year after police responded to more than 100 smash-and-grab thefts and similar incidents in 2023 … real estate values will crash into the basement; empty buildings will be taken over by squatters, the homeless, addicts, and many illegalaliens drawn in by those areas' generous "sanctuary city" policies.…
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