Results for: gop presidential debate

Trump to Skip Third Republican Primary Debate: Who Benefits?
– Former President Donald Trump will be skipping the third Republican presidential primary debate. … Former President Donald Trump may not be the only 2024 Republican contender to rule out participating in next month's third GOP presidential … nomination debate in Florida.…
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Interviews Donald Trump
– As we all know, Donald Trump is not attending the first GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee, and instead will be appearing on Twitter … Here is that interview: Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August…
What Is the Point of Watching Republicans Trash Each Other? I Don’t Need Another GOP Presidential Debate…ans-trash-each-other-i-dont-need-another-gop-debate-n2168616
– I attended a DeSantis-Haley debate watch party Wednesday, and we were laughing and eating and having fun. … My wife chimed in: Why @GOP is the stupid party. … I don’t need to see another GOP presidential debate.…
The death of the undercard debate.
– The word has gone out that the ABC News GOP debate on February 6th will not feature an ‘under-card’ debate. … Which means that we’re going to see the GOP debates go down to about five or so pretty darn quickly. … It’s never been easier to stay in a Presidential race, and hope springs eternal, and so forth.…
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez Says He Has Qualified for First GOP Debate, RNC Reportedly Begs to Differ…s-qualified-for-first-gop-debate-rnc-begs-to-differ-n2162782
– As we draw closer to the first GOP presidential debate, candidates who have struggled for publicity and support are growing desperate … the criteria to qualify for the @GOP's first primary debate.  … It's unclear what if any GOP presidential polls will be released between now and that time and whether they would help Suarez.…
Shots Fired: Vivek Ramaswamy Launches Petition to Fire Ronna McDaniel
– In a moment that went viral during the third GOP presidential primary debate, the candidate went after the RNC chair in full force, … During his opening statement at the third presidential debate, Ramaswamy called the Republican Party the “party of losers” under McDaniels … McDonald and California GOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson.…
Finally: Hard-Hitting 'Journalists' Solve Burning Mystery of the Identity of Tim Scott’s Girlfriend…ng-mystery-of-the-identity-of-tim-scotts-girlfriend-n2166099
– Next to the pressing issue of 2024 GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis often wearing cowboy boots and whether or not the Florida … On Wednesday night after the third GOP presidential debate, however, the mystery woman appeared on stage next to Scott where they posed … God only knows what big "issue" the MSM will move on to next regarding the GOP presidential candidates, but rest assured we'll be here…
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott Suspends Campaign for the GOP Presidential Nomination
– A winnowing is always expected after each Republican presidential candidate debate. … ) November 13, 2023Republican presidential contender Sen. … days after the third GOP primary debate.…
Will Middle Class Establishment GOP Women Decide New Hampshire primary…establishment-gop-women-decide-new-hampshire-primary-n56599
– Chris Christie (L-R) line up on the stage at the beginning of a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by ABC News at the St … Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush: Ignoring Carly Fiorina, just like the ABC New Hampshire GOP Debate organizers, Perullo and McLaughlin tell … Rubio, even after his off night in the New Hampshire GOP debate, may still finish second.…
Will GOP Candidates Meet RNC's Debate Qualification Rules ... or Miss the Stage?…et-rncs-debate-qualification-rules-or-miss-the-stage-n770186
– In a crowded field of Republican candidates vying for the party’s presidential nomination, the journey to the debate stage may be … Read More: 2024 Presidential Primary Dynamics: GOP Nominating Calendar Faces Potential Shake-Up NV GOP Files Lawsuit Against Nevada … Over Presidential Primary System…
'She Said Yes': Sen. Tim Scott Announces His Engagement After South Carolina Beach Proposal…his-engagement-after-south-carolina-beach-proposal-n2169044
– South Carolina Senator (and former GOP presidential contender) Tim Scott has had a busy weekend. … presidential debate in November. … On Wednesday night after the third GOP presidential debate, however, the mystery woman appeared on stage next to Scott where they posed…
New York Times Panics As Media Monopoly Slips Away
– In the aftermath of the smoking mountain of #FAIL that was the CNBC-hosted GOP debate, the candidates have taken the lead in deciding … Here’s what the study said about presidential debates: “No debate will be meaningful if it is not challenging, vigorous and fair.” … Late Sunday, representatives of a dozen Republican presidential candidates, who were frothing over their treatment in last week’s debate
Why Should the Republican National Committee Have Such a Tight Grip on Presidential Debates?…ttee-have-such-a-tight-grip-on-presidential-debates-n2166198
– In other words, a debate,” the RNC counsel’s office said in a letter obtained by CNN.   … What is noteworthy about this event is that it is not even being billed as a “debate.” … For starters, it undermines the idea that the GOP nominee should be selected by the will of the people.…
Since I called Ben Carson the frontrunner, he's kept winning polls
– If this cycle’s history servers, we’re going to have a lag between the debate last night, and the next round of polls after the debate … Since I declared Ben Carson the frontrunner, the polls we have continue to give Carson the edge over Donald Trump in the GOP Presidential … There is no doubt that going into the debate last night, Ben Carson was the 2016 Republican Presidential frontrunner.…
WATCH: Livestream of Trump's Rally and Speech in Hialeah, Florida
– While the candidates hoping to gain ground on him in the presidential primary race will be taking the stage for the third GOP debate … Trump is set to take the stage in Hialeah at 7:00 pm Eastern, an hour before the start of the debate. … And while we encourage our readers to check out our pre-debate VIP Gold Chat with hosts Scott Hounsell and Thomas LaDuke, followed…
DeSantis Dismisses Leaked Super PAC Debate Strategy in New Interview
– As we wrote earlier in the week, the New York Times released a report on a leaked strategy memo by the Super PAC supporting GOP presidentialpresidential nomination, mocked the idea that Gov. … If the first debate, as some have speculated, is the real start of the Republican presidential primary, then this ruckus over the debate
You Know Why Trump Won't Attack Clinton Harder In Next Debate? He Can't.…ump-wont-attack-clinton-harder-in-next-debate-he-cant-n62285
– Like it or not, Republican nominee Donald Trump “lost” the first presidential debate which took place last Monday. … presidential nominee Donald Trump didn’t need mock debates or other traditional prepping for the big debate Monday because he was … ” — Trump sought to deflect criticism of his debate performance, saying the debate moderator, Lester Holt of NBC News, asked him…
Obama Resumes Practicing For A Career As An Internet Troll
– “Then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at the debate. … The GOP DID handle the leftwing hacks moderating the GOP debate. For instance: And: And: It wasn’t just them. … What the GOP did is what Obama should have done at the UN and in international meetings.…
Google churned up some VERY interesting data on last night's Donald Trump searches.
– Yesterday, there were two events simultaneously going on: a Republican party Presidential debate, and a Donald Trump impromptu … charity fundraising/media event that Trump put together after he, frankly, abandoned the GOP debate*. … As for online interest… Trump smashed by GOP debate in search trends. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11…
WATCH: Hutchinson Throws Trump Under the Bus: 'Not Even Sure He's Qualified to Be the Next President'…the-bus-not-even-sure-hes-qualified-to-be-president-n2162843
– Nevertheless, Hutchinson told CNN on Sunday that he has officially qualified for Wednesday's first GOP presidential debate. … I’m pleased to announce that we have met all the criteria that the RNC set to be on the debate stage. … GOP presidential candidate Asa Hutchinson speaks with CNN's Kasie Hunt about qualifying for the first debate and whether he will sign…
Lindsey Graham and George Pataki Punted From GOP Undercard Debate
– Next week’s GOP presidential undercard debate just lost its best comic. U.S. Sen. … GOP candidates, rather than the full 15-candidate field, including the senator. … The Wall Street Journal is co-hosting the debate next week with Fox Business.…
The RNC Finally Does Something Right, Sets Standards for 2024 Presidential Primary…g-right-sets-standards-for-2024-presidential-primary-n705222
– NEW: Republicans will formally require their presidential contenders to pledge support to the nominee if they want to debate. … There’s also talk of limiting the debate stage based on polling and fundraising. … The GOP can’t screw this next election up.…
Beware the Potential GOP Civil War
– What’s more, the soil has never been more fertile for a GOP civil war. … GOP. … If the GOP is to safely make it through the 2024 election it must think about how it fights these battles.…
BIG: Ron DeSantis Accepts Invitation to Debate Gavin Newsom
– While it doesn’t look like Donald Trump will show up at the first GOP primary debate, Ron DeSantis is now set to face a different … debate challenge. … but with the GOP presidential candidate needing to boost his campaign, he’s likely looking to show he can face down the best the Democrats…
When Will Trump Cancel His Saturday Night Live Appearance
– of GOP presidential candidates because of the “bad faith” performance by CNBC’s so-called moderators during the October 28 debate, … And Trump has complained a lot about debate questions. … Then during the CNBC debate John Harwood referred to Trump’s campaign as “a comic version of a presidential campaign”: HARWOOD: Mr…
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