Results for: 60 minutes

New Poll Numbers on DeSantis Are Going to Make Dems and '60 Minutes' Spit…desantis-are-going-to-make-dems-and-60-minutes-spit-n378829
– New poll numbers from the Florida Chamber of Commerce on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are going to make Democrats and “60 Minutes … Democrats have been going all-in trying to attack him on every level. “60 Minutes” ran a disgraceful smear job on him about his COVID … But here’s the special message for “60 Minutes” that’s just going to make them lose their minds: 70 percent of voters in the Sunshine…
Public University Spends Student Activity Fees on an $11,000 Drag Show
– University of Arkansas spen… by Campus Reform For 60 minutes’ worth of dancing, the school shelled out $11,050.…
Elementary Teacher Chooses Faith Over Compliance With the School's Transgender Policy, Placed on Leave…on-to-the-schools-transgender-policy-placed-on-leave-n388416
– — RedState (@RedState) May 1, 2021 Speaking before the board, Byron referenced a recent news special on transgenderism: “60Minutes this past Sunday interviewed over 30 young people who transitioned, but they felt led astray because of lack of pushback or…
Hillary Clinton Learns Facts Don't Care About Her Feelings After Gaslighting About the Capitol Riots…r-feelings-after-gaslighting-about-the-capitol-riots-n388166
– Hillary Clinton portion of today’s events, here’s an FYI as to which Senate Republicans voted with Democrats: The legislation needed 60 … for Hillary Clinton’s claim that the Capitol rioters “killed a policeman,” let’s take a stroll onto Reality Lane for just a few minutes
Transgender Regret Is So Prevalent That Even the Mainstream Media Is Recognizing It Now…even-the-mainstream-media-is-finally-recognizing-it-n385530
– In fact, it’s become so loud that even 60 Minutes ran a segment on it. … But even some of the providers are trans themselves and share these concerns.” 60 Minutes highlights transgender people who have … (Editor’s Note: This piece was edited post-publication to correctly reflect the name of the woman interviewed in the “60 Minutes” piece…
Minneapolis Couple Sues the City for Allowing Violent Criminals to Murder Residents…y-for-allowing-violent-criminals-to-murder-residents-n393430
– The corner on which six-year-old Aniya Allen was shot dead in a similar fashion is just a few minutes further. … The couple recounted that during the book club meeting, “about 60 shots” rang out. … Don recalled: ‘We’re sitting back there [on our deck] and we hear about 60 shots.…
Democrat Unloads After Miami Herald Again Tries to Take Down Ron DeSantis Using Fraudster Rebekah Jones…take-down-ron-desantis-using-fraudster-rebekah-jones-n391136
– As to the correspondence between Moskowitz and Jones, Moskowitz told Politico in a piece that went live this morning about 15 minutes … Flashback –>> Yet Another Florida Dem Absolutely Shreds ’60 Minutes’ Hit Piece Against Ron DeSantis…
Miami Herald Reveals Just How Desperate They Are to Find Something on Ron DeSantis…desperate-they-are-to-find-something-on-ron-desantis-n389389
– prioritized seniors over all others on vaccine distribution” attack (maybe the dumbest on him yet) backfired, which was compounded when 60Minutes got involved with their own “investigation,” which was completely undercut by a number of factors, including key Florida Democrats…
Loudoun County Teacher Suspended for Refusing to Bend the Knee to Gender Pronouns in Classroom…ing-to-bend-the-knee-to-gender-pronouns-in-classroom-n389270
– My name is Tanner Cross, and I am speaking out of love for those who suffer with gender dysphoria. “60 Minutes” this past Sunday interviewed…
Ron DeSantis Lets Loose on Dr. Fauci as the Feud Deepens
– DeSantis would hit other topics in the interview, including the false 60 Minutes hit piece that ate up news cycles at the time.…
Media Research Center: Which Candidate Grabbed The Most Airtime?
– Compare that to the 120 minutes Senator Ted Cruz was given on Fox, 133 minutes on CNN, and 35 minutes on MSNBC. … on Fox, or nearly 60 percent of the total, compared to 164 minutes (25%) for Cruz and 105 minutes (16%) for Kasich. … On CNN, Trump eclipsed Cruz by a much smaller margin: 331 minutes to 265 minutes, with 134 minutes for Kasich.…
Watercooler 4/18/16 Open Thread: Hypocrites All Around Us
– and hipsters that make up the base of the Democrat party to believe that someone paid her a quarter million dollars to speak for 60minutes, and expected nothing in return.  …
Trump has it All Wrong, it's Lying Don
– , 2015 and Facts about the Syrian Refugees, Nov. 23, 2015 Trump said he got to know Putin “very well” while the two were on CBS’ “60Minutes.” … That’s no small feat: At last count, more than 60 percent (19 of 31) of our rulings of his statements turned out to be Four Pinocchios…
David Jolly Gets Free 60-Minutes Campaign Commercial For Bashing His Colleagues
– National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar smelled a rat: Just caught this 60 Minutes segment. … Of course, what 60 Minutes doesn’t note is that Jolly’s problem is largely the creation of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 … Minutes because they like his issue.…
Poll: Trump Supporters More Likely to Self-Identify as Racist
– This is not exactly news to anyone who has spent more than about five minutes on Facebook or Twitter in the last year, but Trump’s … supporters on average responded that they felt 75% warm or positive about whites (as opposed to 70% for all respondents), but only 60%…
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Rowe Talks About Stupid Platitudes, Presidential Runs, and How Following Your Passion Is Dumb…g-platitudes-presidential-runs-following-passion-dumb-n59676
– I started keeping a journal years ago called “Lessons From the Dirt,” and I probably got 50 or 60 things in there, but that was probably … for those hidden gems in people’s past, and write a narrative around them, and teasing the reader into wanting to hang on for 5 minutes
Huffington Post "Lifestyle" Writer Busted For Cheating In A Race
– And because in my prime I was a competitive runner (3:07 marathon/60:03 10-miler) and I loathe chickensh**s like this who cheat to … story: Jane Seo blazed across the finish line at last weekend’s Fort Lauderdale Half Marathon with a stellar time of 1 hour 21 minutes
Robert Redford Frets About Media Truth After Promoting Media Lies
– This would be the 60 minutes report, delivered on air by Rather, that purported to have documents proving President Bush was ushered…
United Airlines Announces No More Fight Club Flights
– “We issued an updated policy to make sure crews traveling on our aircraft are booked at least 60 minutes prior to departure,” spokeswoman…
UPDATED: Huge Blast Near Embassies in Kabul, Afghanistan; Suicide Car Bomb Kills Dozens; Photos Show Devastation
– As many as 60 people have already been reported injured in the blast, which took place about 45 minutes ago at the time of this writing … Update: Afghan Health ministry says 60 wounded people so far taken to hospitals.…
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