Results for: sherrod brown

Sherrod Brown
– “Does a guy who wears dog collars in pictures with Barney Frank really want to make a political issue of other men’s . . .” In Ohio
Daily Links - August 21, 2012
Sherrod Brown- Wrong on Energy, Wrong for Ohio by Naugle dyslogistic (diss-luh-JISS-tik): adjective Uncomplimentary.…
Daily Links - August 20, 2012
– campaign official in July: Romney either ‘misrepresented his position’ to Americans or to the SEC, ‘which is a felony’” Thirteen SherrodBrown Falsehoods Ignored by PolitiFact Ohio by Jason Hart marplot (MAHR-plaht): noun One who frustrates or ruins a plan or undertaking…
Newspapers Enable PolitiFact Ohio's Liberal Bias
– Republican candidate Josh Mandel faces Democrat incumbent Sherrod Brown, whose wife was a Plain Dealer columnist until she resigned … than Brown. … That’s three times as many “Pants on Fire” rulings as Sherrod Brown has received in two years, and one more “Pants on Fire” than Senate…
Now is the Time to Fight the Welfare President
– This vote will also be a death-knell for vulnerable Democrat senators like Claire McCaskill, Sherrod Brown, Bill Nelson, and Jon Tester…
BREAKING: SEN. SHERROD BROWN (D, OH) MAKES ANTI-SEMITIC ATTACK AGAINST JOSH MANDEL.…wn-d-oh-makes-anti-semitic-attack-against-josh-mandel-n44331
– From Sherrod Brown’s campaign ad: … Sherrod Brown should get no benefit of the doubt, here.  None. At. All. John Burton was forced by his party to apologize.  … But will any Democrat dare bring Sherrod Brown to heel? Moe Lane (crosspost)…
Big Bird vs. Coal
– states, and all could potentially be represented by Democratic Senators hell-bent on crushing our nation’s energy infrastructure: SherrodBrown, Bob Casey, Claire McCaskill, Tim Kaine, and Tammy Baldwin. … Brown, Casey, McCaskill and Baldwin have all cast recent, significant anti-coal votes.…
Who are the Democratic gun-grabbers in the US Senate? Let's find out!
– Senator Sherrod Brown (D) is from Ohio, which is a Shall-Issue state; and I believe that you’re getting the point by now.…
Target These Members of Congress for Defeat. Yes, Even Good Friends of This Site.
– Sen Boozman, John [AR] – 6/15/2011Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] – 12/12/2011 Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] – 10/20/2011 Sen Cardin, Benjamin L.…
Morning Briefing for April 4, 2012
Sherrod Brown Compares GOP Governors to Hitler, Stalin 4. … Sherrod Brown Compares GOP Governors to Hitler, Stalin Last year while governors across the Midwest worked to reform broken public … Sherrod Brown (D-OH) slandered them in a speech that could have easily been written by one of the millionaire “leaders” at SEIU, NEA…
Sherrod Brown Compares GOP Governors to Hitler, Stalin
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) slandered them in a speech that could have easily been written by one of the millionaire “leaders” at SEIU, NEA … Either Sherrod Brown is too dense to recognize government and private industry are different, or he’s been lying for years to protect … Sherrod Brown: Because we, as a country, we stand for a more egalitarian workforce. We stand for worker rights.…
The Spirit of Community Organizing - When Corruption Gets Treated As A Manageable Risk…ing-when-corruption-gets-treated-as-a-manageable-risk-n44720
– Tester, McCaskill, Sherrod Brown and Benjamin Cardin are particularly odious and all need to be replaced regardless of your partisan…
Obama Surrogate Ted Strickland Berates Romney's "Fake Compassion"
– Like Obama and Senator Sherrod Brown, Strickland has praised the $23 billion taxpayer loss to bail out the United Auto Workers (UAW…
Ohio's "Recovery" Due to Shrinking Labor Force
– Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) voted for and President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Obama’s $787 billion … Of course, in addition to the “stimulus” bill, Brown and Obama passed – and still continue to champion – the failed “auto industry…
NEA Celebrates its Victory in Ohio
– Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat identified by National Journal as the Senate’s “Most Liberal” in both 2009 and 2010. …  Brown, versus those who will never truly prioritize public education, educators and students.” … Brown and President Obama.”…
Gun Control: Treating The Symptoms
– Mark Begich [D-AK], Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH], Blunt, Roy [R-MO], Boxer, Barbara [D-CA], Brown, Sherrod [D-OH], Collins, Susan [R-ME], Coons … Marco [R-FL], Tester, Jon [D-MT], Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK], Coons, Chris [D-DE], Mikulski, Barbara [D-MD], Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA], Brown … , Sherrod [D-OH], Cantwell, Maria [D-WA], Schumer, Charles [D-NY], Wyden, Ron [D-OR], Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] The Mental Health…
Senate Democrats have done what Harry Reid said would be the end of the Senate…e-what-harry-reid-said-would-be-the-end-of-the-senate-n47335
– Senators Sherrod Brown and Amy Klobuchar also offered similar assurances: Sherrod Brown (D-OH): “…I think any president should have…
Good News: Questioning Election Results No Longer Dangerous to Our Democracy
Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Cory Booker of New Jersey have also claimed that Abrams was the rightful winner of the gubernatorial election…
Joe Biden Cannot Answer the "Court Packing" Question Because Any Answer Will Hurt Him in November…uestion-because-any-answer-will-hurt-him-in-november-n262115
– Hansen, New Hampshire Krysten Sinema, Arizona Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Jackie Rosen, Nevada SherrodBrown, Ohio Bob Casey, Pennsylvania The GOP would make both election cycles all about “court-packing”, and issues involving the…
Report: Biden Plans to Create 'Equal' Public Credit-Reporting Agency That Would Assign 'Social Credit Scores'…orting-agency-that-would-assign-social-credit-scores-n274426
Sherrod Brown (OH), who is reportedly in line to chair the Senate Banking Committee if Democrats regain control of the Senate. … Brown told Politico that the current credit-reporting system “perpetuates systemic racism and economic inequality.” … Regardless of protestations to the contrary from Waters, Brown, Warren, and other Democrats, opponents of an attempt by Democrats to…
The War on Independent Contractors Is a War on Working Women and Families…t-contractors-is-a-war-on-working-women-and-families-n271669
– Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and Senator Patty Murray of Washington are not up for re-election, but letters, phone calls, and negative…
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