Results for: chuck schumer

Chuck Schumer Folds Like a Cheap Suit as the Most Purposeless Government Shutdown Ever Ends…cheap-suit-purposeless-government-shutdown-ever-ends-n83380
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.prepares to lick an armadillo’s anus to get the taste of defeat out of his mouth. … Schumer (I exaggerate because you have to have a sense of shame in order to be humiliated) is an understatement. … Schumer has agreed to end the filibuster in exchange for practically nothing. Make no mistake: Schumer & Dems caved.…
Chuck Schumer has made the announcement and the government shutdown will end. The final vote will be this afternoon. … updated: From the Weekly Standard: “The Trump shutdown will soon end,” Minority Leader Chuck Schumer before a vote on a three-week…
Watch: Paul Ryan Throws Dem's 2013 Shutdown Comments in Their Faces
– This is Chuck Schumer 2013. This is ridiculous. I don’t think they knew what they were getting themselves into,” Ryan noted. … Senator Schumer and Senate Democrats have a chance to reopen the government at noon today.…
Senator Lindsey Graham Blames White House Staffers for Stalling Immigration Talks…s-white-house-staffers-for-stalling-immigration-talks-n83337
– In fact, Chuck Schumer groused that the failed talks, regarding keeping the government up and running came after an agreement had been…
House GOP Mercilessly Trolls Chuck Schumer
– This is purely an attempt by the Senate Democrats, led by Mister Schumer, that’s why we call it the ‘Schumer shutdown,’ in order to … Soon this epic clip of Chuck Schumer preening on CNN surfaced: Schumer to @jaketapper in 2013:"I believe in immigration reform. … Schumer violated House decorum rules.…
Funny, Under Obama Lotsa Folks Thought a Military Parade Was a Swell Idea
Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called for a welcome home ticker-tape parade for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, calling it a “longstanding … , now the Senate minority leader, said, according to The New York Daily News. … But Schumer wasn’t the only Democrat who once backed … Remember that time Cryin' Chuck "CUCK" Schumer called for Military Parade in 2014?…
Rand Paul’s Kabuki Theater Performance Raises The Ire of Fellow Senate Republicans…rformance-raises-the-ire-of-fellow-senate-republicans-n84324
– The Democrats bore a lot of the blame for the last shutdown in January, especially Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).…
Nancy Pelosi Holds a Filibuster to Pass DACA
– I suppose she’s trying to divert attention from Chuck Schumer getting his ass handed to him in the Senate today where he agreed to…
BREAKING: Senate Reaches Bi-Partisan Budget Deal
Chuck Schumer called “a genuine breakthrough.” … McConnell thanked Schumer and the Democrats for working with Republicans to roll back sequestration cuts. … Schumer called the deal a “budget neither side loves but both can be proud of.”…
Department of Homeland Security Scorches Bipartisan Amnesty Bill
– The bill, or more accurately an amendment to a bill that hasn’t been written, is the brainchild of Chuck Schumer, Susan Collins, Mike … The Schumer-Rounds-Collins immigration plan actually suspends enforcement of illegal immigration until June 2018. … "The Administration strongly opposes passage of the Schumer-Rounds-Collins Amendment."…
Immigration Debate Approaches Fiasco Status
– There is the bill by Chuck Grassley that embodies President Trump’s “four pillars”, i.e., (1) creating a path to citizenship for DREAMers … The original plan authored by Chuck Schumer seems to be dead but the various parts of it were stripped out and reassembled in the moderates…
A Black Joan of Arc and Doritos: The Culture Wars, Feb. 13th edition
– It is interesting to also note that in his celebrated health care cryfest monologue, Kimmel was fed Democratic talking points by ChuckSchumer (D-NY). … My suggestion: Chuck Norris. That’s it for this week.  Remember… Campbell’s Soup: It’s Mmmm…Mmmm good.…
Hispanics Might Love America More Than You
Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) can come together over bourbon, there’s hope. … Chuck Schumer presents Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with a bottle of Brooklyn bourbon.…
Federal Agency Chief Is Fired for the Most Unbelievable Reason
– An administrator has been nominated but Chuck Schumer is blocking a vote in order to get Mrs.…
Chuck Schumer Isn't Voting for Trump Judicial Nominee Because He's White
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said of judicial nominee Marvin Quattlebaum “The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to … the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary,” Schumer said. … “I’ll be voting no on the Quattlebaum nomination,” Schumer said.…
Just for Fun: Possible Democratic Candidates in 2020
– Described as some as a moderate in the party, this writer does not see it as he has fallen under the Svengali gaze of Chuck Schumer
Ed Sec Betsy DeVos Visits Stoneman Douglas HS; Activist Student Plans to Sleep In
– And to that end, he’ll be taking meetings with both Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer (NY) and Republican Senator Ted Cruz (TX).…
The 17 Parkland Families Are United in Support of the STOP School Violence Act
– They released a letter they sent to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House … Second Amendment rights, also went to D.C. earlier this month and met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers like Rubio, Hatch, and Schumer
Samantha Power Warns President Trump Not to Mess Around With Big Bad John Brennan
– SharylAttkisson) March 17, 2018 If you recall, back in early January 2017, ChuckSchumer warned Donald Trump that picking a fight with the intelligence community was a bad idea: “Let me tell you: You take on the…
Embarrassing: Roseanne Sends a Thrill up Hannity's Leg
– With all the attention she’s getting from the #MAGA crowd, this tweet was like dangling a television camera in front of Chuck Schumer
Schumer Hides Behind Children While Claiming He's NRA's Public Enemy Number 1
Chuck Schumer is the sort of conniving weasel that almost makes you long for the days when the Senate Democrats got their marching … Our country is demanding it. — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 25, 2018 Look, the old fossil even … Chuck Schumer urged congressional Republican leaders Sunday to listen to the “millions and millions” of March for Our Lives protesters…
Gun Rights For Me But Not For Thee: The Hypocrisy of Gun Control Activists
– — Brad Slager: aka Wuhan Solo (@MartiniShark) March 24, 2018 Amy Schumer The actress, whose father … is a second cousin to liberal Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY), will be speaking at the Los Angeles march, tweeting that she is supporting … “Yes,” replied Schumer. “Security is up. I’m really trying to protect myself. I am not being an idiot.”…
Democrats Spike the Ball Over Omnibus -- Too Early?
– Indeed, the headline in the Washington Examiner says exactly that: Schumer, Democrats spike the football over the spending bill. … Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., boasted Monday that the $1 trillion spending deal struck between Democrats and Republicans … If Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are happy the American people shouldn't be.…
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