In 2016, I moved from the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles to a suburban community a bit further North, with better schools and nicer neighborhoods. We closed escrow literally on election day. I remember standing in our very 70’s kitchen as I ripped up tile listening to reports that Donald Trump had won the election.
As I am a very active voter, I re-registered to vote at my new residence. Imagine my surprise when my neighbor, who lived next door to me at my old house, texted me in 2018 to tell me that my voter sample ballot had been sent to his address, despite my new registration. Not only had the sample ballot gone to the wrong address, it went to the wrong address, next door to a place I used to live, two years prior.
Groups across the country are attempting to work with Voter Registrar’s offices, asking them to purge their voter rolls of both their dead voters and those that have moved. Jennifer Van Laar covered a bit of this in her most recent piece.
However, the most recent example out of Los Angeles should have many worried about the results of a forced-mail ballot. A guy I went to college with, Robert Cannon and his wife Joannah, live in Los Angeles and received their mail ballots just this week. Along with their two ballots, they received two additional ballots for voters who the couple neither knows nor do they live at the property. Robert took to social media to explain his issue.
“Well, here it is: California voting in all its glory. One of these is mine, the other is my wife’s and the other two are for… people I’ve never heard of. I received two extra ballots in the mail. This presents some real security concerns. I could very easily fill out these ballots and mail them back to the state without anyone knowing the difference. Unless they determine that the signatures don’t match (unlikely), they will be counted. While this is easily considered voter fraud, it also presents the opportunity for a kind of soft fraud; what if I just sit on these ballots or throw them in the trash, thereby denying these other Californians their chance to vote? This is exactly why @realdonaldtrump was advocating for a request-based system. When California sends an unrequested ballot to everyone in the state, it creates the potential for fraud, waste, and abuse. Who knows how many other Californians also received ballots in error. So, you tell me, has the California election been compromised? How can we trust its results?”
His wife Joannah, in comments made to RedState, said that they have done their due diligence in attempting to rectify the situation with the county, to no avail.
” We’ve gotten mail for them since we moved here in February from the registrar of voters and other places. We’ve returned it all to sender, crossing out barcodes and wrote not at this address, but 8 months later we are still getting their mail.”
This means that despite returning ballot materials to Los Angeles County for 8 months, these ballots were still sent to the wrong people. As it was clearly stated by Robert Cannon, he could have filled these ballots out and sent them back, likely to be counted by the county. Do you think that the left is offering the same due diligence in attempting to return incorrect ballots?
This isn’t Robert’s only run-in with ballot mistakes. Another family member of his, who resides in Nevada, received a ballot for her deceased spouse. Her spouse died 7 years ago.
There are thousands of examples of these same things happening across the country. Forced-mail ballots in the wake of Coronavirus restrictions are going to lead to millions of ballots going unused by the people for whom they are intended, or worse, will be used by those for whom they were not. Either way, unaddressed this problem could lead to rampant fraud.
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