President Obama continued his blame shifting on Sunday in Malaysia, unsurprisingly claiming that virtually every move the United States could make that isn’t what he proposes be done in response to the ISIS terror attacks (which is nothing) would be “helping ISIS.” What a nifty rhetorical device for the President – either you are for exactly what he is doing or you are for the terrorists. Which is weird, because I thought liberals hated having their patriotism questioned.
He doesn’t just say it wouldn’t help defeat them. Obama claims that by reexamining our current refugee program, Republicans (and all the Democrat lawmakers who agree with them) are somehow helping the terrorists and undermining national security.
Because somehow making it tougher for terrorists to come into our country in the first place is undermining national security.
Don’t worry, we are talking about Obama; it gets worse.
Obama made the following remarks on ISIS during his press conference:
“the most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid; to not elevate them; to somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important…They’re a bunch of killers with good social media. And they are dangerous, and they’ve caused great hardship to people. But the overwhelming majority of people who go about their business every day, the Americans who are building things, and making things, and teaching, and saving lives as firefighters and as police officers — they’re stronger. Our way of life is stronger. We have more to offer — we represent 99.9 percent of humanity. And that’s why we should be confident that we’ll win.”
Killers with good social media. That is how the President of the United States, our current Commander In Chief, describes the Islamic State. He’s reduced them to being great at marketing themselves on the internet. It might be funny if it wasn’t so damn dangerous.
How about the insinuation that we have a leg up on ISIS because “we have more to offer?” Or because we build things? That’s how you fight terrorism, ladies and gentlemen. Sure, these people want to kill us simply because we exist and don’t buy into their whack job ideologies, but hey, we’ll win ‘em over with our way of life.
Is he kidding? Our way of life is precisely why they want to kill us. The concept continues to be completely lost on not only him, but his advisors as well.
Never fear, once we simply say we aren’t afraid and click our heels three times, those jerks will feel so crushed and deflated that they will just throw in the towel. Game over, right?
Question: isn’t “winning them over with our way of life” more or less exactly what George W. Bush tried to do in Iraq, only to be criticized (correctly, it turns out) by both Obama and Clinton? Why is it suddenly a good idea now that Obama has removed our troops from the region where they might help provide stability to that effort?
Our own President is so completely inept at foreign policy that he misunderstands the entire intention behind ISIS. He stated several times on Sunday that our country helps them simply by acknowledging they are a threat, as if their end goal isn’t just to kill all non-believers and end up with a new world order of believers only.
Sure, scaring us while completely eliminating us is desirable to ISIS, but it’s fairly obvious they remain steadfast in their goals whether or not we acknowledge their capabilities. Obama’s already tried the “diminish them” route, and it doesn’t appear that referring to them as the “JV team” turned out to be an effective deterrent. SURPRISINGLY.
It would also serve Obama well to understand the difference between other US leaders reacting fearfully or simply trying to protect their people. Reexamining the refugee policy isn’t coming from a place of fear. It’s coming from leaders in this country whose top priority is protecting the people of their country. Though, it is telling that Obama assumes it’s a tactic derived from fear.
And so Obama churns on, even though it is clear the majority of Americans disagree with him on his handling of the recent events. Sixty five percent of Americans believe Obama has not been aggressive enough to stop ISIS, a new poll shows. A recent Bloomberg poll demonstrates that a mere 28% of Americans agree with Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees without any kind of religious screening. Fifty three percent expressed they did not want any refugees accepted into the United States. Nobody agrees with him on this, yet he continues.
So, if the influx of Syrian refugees comes through our borders despite American pleas to stop the program, just remember your President’s tips for winning the war against terrorism. Tell them you build stuff, you offer a great life, and kill them- with kindness. I’m sure they’ll come around.
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