Maxine Waters Believes a ‘Civil War’ Is Coming, Says Liberals Must ‘Pray’ So They Don’t Fight Back

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) insists President Trump is trying to start a civil war in this country and indicated it would take incredible restraint from the left not to fight back.


Waters, speaking at a Democrat retreat in Northern Virginia, made repeated assertions that Trump is gearing up for war.

She kicked off the unhinged commentary by telling reporters the administration's efforts to reign in fraud, waste, and abuse in the federal government would leave seniors suffering and "homeless people ... on the street."

“And so when that happens, what does Trump expect?" she asked. "Oh, I believe he expects violence. I believe he expects confrontation. I believe he’s working towards a civil war.”

The signal there isn't exactly subtle. What do you expect when you cut federal funding to wasteful programs, Mr. Trump? And when the violence starts well, I guess he should have seen it coming.

That's called a dog whistle to violence on Auntie Maxine's part. But don't worry, she just hopes and prays that violent leftists will be able to restrain themselves when this war breaks out. That they'll be able to adjust the little pink hat on their head and turn the other cheek.

“It places the responsibility on us to live and do like Dr. Martin Luther King told us to do. He taught us to organize and to protest, but he taught us nonviolence,” she said.


No matter how hard it gets, Waters really, really hopes they can hold back. You know, like they did when smashing windows and setting cars on fire during Trump's first inauguration. Or that whole 'Summer of Love' thing.

“He’s going to get closer and closer in our face, and we’re going to have to be real responsible — we’re going to have to pray, we’re going to have to ask god to help us remember what Martin Luther King told us: Don’t ever let them goad you into violence,” she hoped.

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This isn't the first time Waters has done the actual goading with the civil war rhetoric. Just months before the first assassination attempt against President Trump, the California Democrat alleged his supporters were training for a fight with super-secret militias up in the mountains.

“We know that there are people who are aligned with him, who follow him, who are already practicing what their government is going to be under Trump,” she said in an appearance on MSNBC this past May. “Not only are they planning on a civil war if they have to do that, but he’s spelling it out – how and what they’re going to do and how he’s going to get revenge, how he’s going to attack his enemies.”


“I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they’re going to attack,” she added.

What's odd is that Maxine is worried about Trump supporters getting "closer and closer in our face."

This is the same woman who courted controversy during Trump's first term, telling supporters to harass administration officials in public by getting in their faces every chance they get.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she said.

Waters would later call on people to take to the streets to protest against Trump.


“I think he’s dangerous,” she professed. “I don’t know why people take it. I think Americans should be out in the streets screaming to the top of their voice. Do something. Make something happen.”

On the one hand, you have Waters flat-out calling for violence, and now you have her trying to provoke violence from the other side. She's trying to be a catalyst for that civil war. At what point will leadership in Congress remove from her committee assignment as the ranking member of the House Committee on Financial Services? Or, at the very least, censure her?

President Trump was impeached and almost imprisoned for holding a rally in which he encouraged followers to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Waters, though, calls for violence, tries to instigate a reaction during tense political times, and has been repeatedly trying to overrun federal buildings since Trump won. And we're just going to sit back and let her get away with it without so much as a censure resolution?

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