Maxine Waters Tries to Get Into ANOTHER Federal Building, It Doesn't End Well This Time Either

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is once again engaged in failing performance art, this time attempting to get into the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) headquarters. 


Waters, prior to a protest against slashing waste and fraud at HUD under the new administration, attempted to hand deliver a letter to Secretary Scott Turner.

And she was adamant about meeting Turner face-to-face, you guys!

"We came to deliver a letter to him, but they wouldn't let us do it," Waters claimed. "We were stopped by someone who said he was a chief of staff and someone else who didn't identify himself, and they said he was too busy."

"I said I'm prepared to stay here until hell freezes over," she added.

Well, wouldn't you know it? Hell must have frozen over about three minutes later when she left.

Everything about this is comedy gold, Jerry

From her committing to staying in perpetuity and then almost immediately leaving, to the very helpful HUD chief of staff offering for Maxine to watch a video of President Trump's accomplishments in the lobby while she waits. I mean ... just a work of art.


Here she is leaving, according to Breitbart News reporter Olivia Rondeau, "within like 3 minutes."

We all know this was a political stunt on Waters' part, but in case it wasn't entirely spelled out in that clip, Turner's office issued a five-step explainer on X.

Grab the Popcorn: Standoff Outside Dept of Education As Lone Man Thwarts Crazed Maxine Waters, Other Dems

The message points out that despite the 86-year-old congresswoman's claims, she "was not denied entry" and apparently took the staff up on their offer to watch the Trump video for at least a bit.

"Waters watched President Trump accomplishments video in lobby," the post reads.


They even suggest Maxine tried to goad them into saying she was being denied entry. You can clearly hear staff in that video explain to Ms. Waters that Turner was in a lengthy meeting and they'd helpfully deliver her letter - which I have to assume was written in crayon - to him.

But they never say she is barred from the building.

If that wasn't enough entertainment, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) tried to get in on the action, playing Barney Rubble to Maxine's Fred Flintstone.

Tlaib's 'look at me!' ploy went about as well as you might imagine - with her screeching and launching profanities at the staff.

When someone in the building, as Tlaib is tucking tail and retreating, points out he works "for the American people," she becomes enraged (profanity alert).

“No, you don’t! No, you don’t!" she shouts, eventually adding, "You don’t give a s**t.”


I know, I know. It's hard to believe that the "Impeach the MFer" merch saleswoman couldn't hold it together.

How pathetic does one have to be to play second-fiddle to Maxine Waters? And is Waters the true leader of the Democrat party at this point? She's definitely the leader of these protests.

Anyway, this failed stunt comes on the heels of a similarly embarrassing incident in which Waters and several of her colleagues accosted and harassed a security guard at the Education Department.

Waters belittles and mocks the security guard in that video. If only she had some sense of self-awareness that she's the one deserving of mockery.

Better luck next time, Maxine. Don't ever change.


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