WATCH: NJ Rep Is All of Us With Epic Response to DHS Meeting on Mysterious Drones

AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File

The mystery surrounding the drones over New Jersey has been heating up. 

We got a wild story from Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) saying he'd received some information indicating the drones were Iranian from an Iranian ship in the Atlantic. But the Pentagon denied that. 


Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said during a Wednesday afternoon briefing there was “no evidence these are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.”

She also refuted a claim by U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew who said the drones were being launched by an Iranian mothership. “No there is not any truth to that,” said Singh.

The problem is that they say there's no evidence they're foreign or the work of an adversary, but then, in the next breath, say they don't know what they are. So they really can't say that they're not foreign or the work of an adversary. And that's more concerning, perhaps, than anything else, particularly because some of these drones have been flying over sensitive areas like military bases. 

There was also the case of a Chinese national who was arrested and charged for flying a drone over Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. 

READ MORE: Meanwhile in CA: FBI Arrests Chinese National for Flying Drone Over Vandenberg Space Force Base

WATCH: Is an Iranian Mothership Launching the Mysterious, New Jersey Drone Swarm? (Updated)

New Jersey state representative Brian Bergen attended an informational meeting by the Department of Homeland Security, and he left more angry than when he came in. Listen as he sounds off for all of us about what a cluster funk it was and how they had no answers about anything. And yes, he's a Republican. 


"The biggest waste of five hours in my whole life," he said as he went off on their failure to provide people with any information. He said he doesn't understand why they would call a meeting and then have no answers to anything. Bergen then recounted what they were told by a "colonel of the State Police" who had a helicopter of his flying over one of the drones.  "He said he felt unsafe for his helicopter, so he let it go. Just let it go," Bergen laughed in utter disbelief at such a reaction. "Where'd it go? Who knows?!?!" Bergen exclaimed. "Is that not the most ridiculous thing you ever heard." 

If a colonel in the NJ State Police felt it wasn't safe, what are we supposed to feel about it? And about him reacting to it in that manner? 

Maybe they would have an idea if they "followed that sucker to where it landed," Bergen said, scolding them. "But they don't. This is a complete lack of effort." He said they didn't even provide any ideas as to how the legislators might help, so he ultimately ended up getting up and walking out. 

Bergen said he had been in the Army as an Apache helicopter pilot and had experience with unmanned aircraft, so "I know a little bit about what I'm talking about." He said they weren't doing the job to figure out what was going on. "They're saying 'no threat,' but how the hell do they know?" he declared. "Instead, I got the most amateur hour briefing I've ever sat through." 


Bergen later tweeted on X that the governor should give him an Apache helicopter and he would put an end to this problem. 

But it doesn't sound like the government is doing all they can to figure it out if they're not even asking U.S. Northern Command for assistance, as reported. 

Although Northern Command says they have conducted a "detailed analysis." What does that analysis show, and why don't we know? 

So either it's the government trying to gaslight us on the issue, or they really don't know, and they truly are dangerously ignorant. 

In either case, that's a big problem. 


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