Biden's Weakness and Confusion on Full Display As He Throws Israel Under Bus in Face of Terrorists

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Israel has been making some amazing tactical moves to take out Hezbollah, including some stunning intelligence moves like the pager attacks. 

They've shown they've had enough with the terrorists and they're going to do what it takes to take them out:


Israel will launch a "limited" ground invasion into southern Lebanon in the imminent future, a senior U.S. official told Fox News on Monday. 

While set details on the invasion remain unclear, the official confirmed this campaign will be smaller in scale than the 2006 operation Israel conducted in its war with Hezbollah, and it is expected to last a shorter period of time. [....]

"Our goal is to ensure the [safe] return of Israel’s northern communities to their homes," Gallant told Israeli troops on Monday, according to a statement provided to Fox News Digital by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. "We are prepared to make every effort necessary to accomplish this mission. 

The action was to help stop Hezbollah from continuing to attack them from Lebanon. They had small incursions to deal with them in the past. 

Now, you would think the U.S. would be supportive of its ally Israel in this effort against the terrorists. Except, of course, it's Joe Biden in the White House. So, you know what he has to say will not be good. This is an "ally." 


I suppose we should count ourselves lucky that he deigned to return from the beach at all, to talk about this and Hurricane Helene.

READ MORE: WATCH: A Disaster of Another Kind Strikes When Biden Is Asked Why He Was at the Beach in Midst of Helene

'Cooked': An Out-of-It Joe Biden Is Asked About Israeli Strikes on Yemen, Gives Very Concerning Response

First, Biden didn't even want to answer the question when he was asked about the news. Then when asked if he was "aware and comfortable" with Israel's plans, he said, "I'm more aware than you know and I'm comfortable with them stopping - we need a ceasefire":

Biden may just be the weakest leader we've ever had. This is basically folding to the terrorists and saying that Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself, just go on being attacked and take it. It's like Biden not wanting Barack Obama to take out Osama bin Laden, another example of his weakness and holding back. I used to think Obama was bad, but Biden is much worse. This only emboldens Iran and its proxies. 


Then, not only is Biden weak in the face of terrorists, but does he even know what is going on? Or does he just shout "ceasefire" whenever he's asked (except when it comes to Ukraine)? 

Biden said they wouldn't be deploying any more troops to the Middle East, then the Pentagon deployed more people:

Who is really in charge, when he seems so clueless? 


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