Joe Biden Confuses Memorial Day and Labor Day While Talking about Possible Running Mate Choice

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks about the coronavirus Thursday, March 12, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)


Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee since Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) bowed out (but didn’t release his delegates.

But that hasn’t stopped him from trying to get attention and position himself against President Donald Trump.

Someone maybe ought to tell him it’s probably a better, more strategic thing to not do any interviews. But then he’d probably be accused of hiding. But it continued not to go well.

He did an interview with KDKA’s Jon Delano.

Interestingly, Biden told KDKA he would commit to a woman, but not commit to a woman of color on his ticket.

“I’ll commit to that be a woman because it is very important that my administration look like the public, look like the nation. And there will be, committed that there will be a woman of color on the Supreme Court, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a vice president, as well,” Biden said.

That will likely annoy some on the left who are all about identity politics.

He said he’d love to have Michelle Obama but that she didn’t want to be anywhere near the White House again.

But Delano asked him did he think he would have a decision on a running mate by Memorial Day which is May 25, so in about a month.


“My guess is, uh, we probably will,” Biden replied. He then said some garbled things but finished, “I’m quite sure that would be the case because right now the convention is scheduled in August before Memorial Day.” He then tried to clean it up, “Are you saying Memorial or Labor?” Labor Day is September 7.

Delano said he was talking about Memorial Day and Biden then said he would not be making the choice by then.

This was just the latest gaffe in a another week of gaffes including calling an N95 mask an ‘N96 mask’ as well as calling COVID-19, ‘COVID-9.’


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