State Senators Lou Correa, D-Anaheim, left, and Roy Ashburn, R-Bakersfield, confer during the Senate session at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009. Both lawmakers have been pressured to vote for the state budget plan hammered out between Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger and legislative leaders.(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
Some House Democrats feel there was something left out of the virus relief bill that was signed into law and they’re now trying to rectify it.
Some House Democrats have introduced a bill requiring illegal aliens to be able to get monetary relief through the bill as well. Rep. Lou Correa and two other Democrats introduced the “Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act” to amend the bill to include illegal aliens.
From Daily Caller:
“I was appalled to learn hardworking, taxpaying immigrants were left out of the $2 trillion CARES Act,” Correa said in a statement released Friday.
He continued: “By casting out immigrants, we are placing some of our most vulnerable residents in grave danger. Every individual taxpayer, irrespective of citizenship status, needs government assistance now.”
No, illegal aliens are not “immigrants,” immigrants implies going through the process of immigration. If you haven’t gone through that process you are not an immigrant. This is also an attempt to equate actual immigrants with illegal aliens, a knock on immigrants who did in fact go through all the hoops to do it right.
Americans are getting a $1200 payment to individual Americans who earn less than $75,000/per year or $24000 for families under $150,000.
If you’re not complying with the law, exactly why should the government be sending you money?
“This virus does not care about immigration status. It does not discriminate and neither should we. Immigrants own businesses and homes, support families, and pay rent, and contribute to their communities,” said California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu, who has also called for a freeze on deportations amid the pandemic.
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom wants to take it one step further. He even wants to provide money for the businesses of illegal aliens in California.
@GavinNewsom: In California, we’re providing “emergency grants” to businesses run by illegal immigrants
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 3, 2020
Democrats just introduced a measure to give coronavirus relief checks to illegal aliens.
If I went to a Central American country illegally, would I get a $1,200 check?
No, I’d end up in jail.
— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) April 4, 2020
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