
Cackling Kamala's 'Joyful' War on Wealth Creators

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

If we are to come even close to understanding the Democrat Party's insane policies focused on wealth creation, job growth, markets, and the economy in general, we must first understand the left-wing mindset. 

Leftists view the economy as a whole, including all of the above, as a zero-sum game in which "the rich" get richer by making everyone else poorer. As a result, they believe that taking away from the wealthy is the only way to make the lives of the poor and middle class better. Hence, the constant attack against billionaires — unless they're Democrat billionaires, of course — and large corporations. 

Now that Kamala Harris has been formally coronated as the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee, she is the official hood ornament of that idiotic clown car.

During the DNC — the largest and most preposterous gaslighting effort in the history of American politics — as described by the Wall Street Editorial Board's Allysia Finley, "Democrats took turns whacking 'oligarchs' and 'corporate monopolists.' By the time Ms. Harris took the stage, the pinatas’ pickings had been splattered around. This is what Democrats plan to do if they win: destroy wealth creators so they can spread the booty among their own." 

Finley then noted several examples.

Corporate greed is “the one true enemy,” United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain proclaimed. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders insisted the party “must take on Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Tech, and all the other corporate monopolists whose greed is denying progress for working people.” Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey railed against “greedflation” and accused corporations of “extorting families.”

Barack Obama lambasted Donald Trump and his “well-heeled donors.” “For them, one group’s gains is necessarily another group’s loss,” Mr. Obama said. “For them, freedom means that the powerful can do pretty much what they please, whether it’s fire workers trying to organize a union or put poison in our rivers or avoid paying taxes like everybody else has to do.”

Remember, Left-wing elitists don't have to believe the bile they spew; I doubt that most of them do. Their primary objective is to make sure low-information, rank-and-file Democrat voters believe it; to remain their dutiful useful idiots, that is.


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None other than Barack Obama popularized the term "fair share" on the left during his 2008 presidential run, and he and his party never looked back. Yes, if those evil (white) rich people would just pay their "fair share," all would be well in the land of socialist milk and honey. 

Just two problems.

First, "fair share," as defined by whom? Rhetorical question — the Democrat Party, of course. Second, the Democrat Party is incapable of reaching peak wealth redistribution. The left will never reach a point where it believes it is finally robbing a sufficient amount of money from the wealthy to redistribute to the poor.

Never mind that the top 1 percent of earners already pay 45.8 percent of federal income taxes, and the top 50 percent of all taxpayers pay 97.7 percent, while the bottom 50 percent pay the remaining 2.3 percent. 

"Fair share"? Seems to me that the bottom 50 percent of earners need to pay their fair share.

'Scarcity mentality' vs. 'abundance mentality'

While the left continues to preach the zero-sum-game mentality, or a "scarcity mindset"; the belief that there are limited resources, so if someone else has something you want, you believe there is less of it for you, conservatives subscribe to an "abundance mentality" — the belief that there is enough wealth, resources, and success in the world for anyone who works to achieve their goals. 

Henry Ford famously wrote an autobiography, "My Life & Work":

As long as we look to legislation to cure poverty or to abolish special privilege, we are going to see poverty spread and special privilege grow.

Yep, Kamala Harris is now the hood ornament of that idiotic clown car.


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