Progressive Lawmaker Shares Memo for Democrats Debunking 'Misinformation' on Kamala's Border Role

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement...

The panicked drive on the left — in both the Democrat Party and its sycophantic media — to rewrite history by claiming Kamala Harris was not dubbed Joe Biden's "border czar" has reached a fever pitch.


The usual lapdog outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, and Axios, are frantically denouncing the label now that Harris has incredulously become the Democrat Party's presumptive presidential nominee.


The Media's Rewriting of Kamala Harris's History on the Border Has Begun

Axios Goes Full Soviet, Starts Editing Published Articles to Protect Kamala Harris

It gets "better."

A Democrat lawmaker confirmed to FOX that Dems have received a piece of paper with talking points/lies about how to discuss Kamala Harris' role at the Southern border. They are already using the exact lines.

Is there any surprise? 

The piece of paper with their talking points states:

Vice President Harris was NEVER appointed "border czar."

There has never been such a position. It doesn't exist.

Was NOT asked to lead on the Admin's immigration or border enforcement policies. 

And so forth. Either way, a bit touchy and defensive, don't you think? 

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Nanette Barragán, on Thursday, shared talking-points phrasing with Fox News (emphasis, mine):

Well, first of all, these, this is more misinformation and disinformation. The vice president was never in charge of the border. She was never in charge of immigration policy. On the contrary, it's Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is in charge of border policy. He's in charge under Homeland Security. 

And Republicans already tried to impeach him and failed. So what are they doing now? They're making it up and blaming her. What vice president Harris was in charge of of addressing root causes of migration, a diplomatic effort in other countries in the Northern Triangle and in specific and you ask, what did she do? 

She helped raise $5 billion to invest in the economy in these countries, with the private sector and when she first started, migration from those countries started at 41%. 41% of people that were marketing were coming from the northern Triangle countries in 2023, that went down to 21%. So don't come and start the false lies because we're going to make sure to correct them.


Nonsense — most of it, anyway. 

Mollie Hemingway, editor-in-chief of The Federalist and Fox News contributor, nailed it.

The propaganda press working so hard to erase the fact that Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border shows not only what a vulnerability her role in the border is but also what a huge vulnerability her general incompetence is.

The thing is, the propaganda media knows its audience doesn't give a damn about reality:

And what difference does it make what Harris was called with respect to being assigned by Biden to figure out the "root causes" of millions of illegal aliens being allowed to stream across our southern border? Moreover, why should it matter what the root causes are in the countries that soon-to-be illegals flee? Just keep them the hell out of this one.

Related: Kamala Harris Searches for 'Root Causes' of the Border Surge, While John Kennedy Has the Real Solution

The Bottom Line

Joe Biden telegraphed throughout his 2020 basement campaign that he would import as many illegal aliens into this country as he could get away with. He's done that — and he continues to do it. Only a fool would believe that Kamala Harris wouldn't keep that dangerous ball rolling if she wins in November, whatever role someone does or does not call her.



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