MSNBC's 'Just Blown Away' Rachel Maddow Beclowns Herself Over Biden Dropping Out

Townhall Media

Embattled Joe Biden's shock announcement on Sunday that he was abandoning his presidential reelection bid has had an "interesting" impact on left-wing "journalists." On one hand, there was CNN's Van Jones crying on air:


Like, like when you're when your grandpa, you got to take the keys and everybody's [like], "You gotta take his keys. Gotta take his keys." ... And he's fighting and he's fighting, and everybody's all frustrated. Then you finally get the keys back. 

And then you just cry. 

And that's exactly what the overwrought dude did. Yep, Jones actually cried.

Meanwhile, former Biden White House press secretary and now MSNBC simp Jen Psaki struggled to find the words to explain her shock and amazement.

I am digesting this myself here, because I worked for him for a year and a half, and he is a remarkable person, a remarkable president. 

There’s very little indication from people close to him and many people in the campaign that this was about to happen, as much as there were reports of Democrats calling on him to do that.

Oh, please. Very little indication? Reports suggested that a sizable percentage of the White House staff and more than a few aides wanted the old man to either kick himself to the curb or be kicked there by others.

Leftists Struggle to Hold Back the Tears As They Melt Over Demise of Biden's Reelection Campaign

Then... there was none other than MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, arguably the most condescending know-it-all in the left-wing media, waxing idiotic as she pretended that what everyone knew would eventually happen — Biden dropping out — was a seismic historical event (in Maddow's mind), because of Biden's pretend-historical stature (emphasis, mine).


I mean, this is just, this is history writ large, you know? We all will remember where we were and what we were doing at this moment. And, just thinking about the president right now, you know, what a man, what a patriot. Um, what an act of selfless devotion to your country. He has been a phenomenal president

He brought us back from COVID. He, you know, gave us the best recovery from COVID of any major nation on earth. At a time when the world has economically been struggling in the wake of COVID, the Biden economy is literally the envy of the world. He ended the presidency of Donald Trump at one disastrous term. 

And he did it while being decent and civil and honorable and normal and occasionally boring at a time when boring was absolutely what we needed.

Uh-huh, "Rache." By calling Donald Trump "Hitler"? By calling Trump an "existential threat" to the country? By calling MAGA Republicans a threat to the county"? And we're not even talking about The Biden Family Business™ and helping his ne'er do well son peddle influence from China to Ukraine to God knows where else.

Watch the video here.

Maddow continued to pour it on.

There is no single thing that he has done in that entire career that is a greater or more consequential act of service and sacrifice to this country than what he has done today.

And I cannot, I mean, knowing him a little bit, knowing his personality, having spoken to him a number of times in my life, both in sort of official and unofficial capacities, I cannot see anywhere in his personality where this decision today was possible. 

This is the opposite of something that is natural or easy for him. He is just not built to do something like this because his superpower is being underestimated. That is why he has been so resolute in resisting all these calls for him to drop out.


This is Joe Biden saying, 'Apparently it's not me, the one that gives us the best chance to do that. It’s got to be somebody else, and so I will step aside.' I’m just blown away by the sacrifice and patriotism this moment embodies.


Cue the rolling-eyes emoji. Wait— make that five of them.

Memo to Rachel Maddow:

How do you know Frau Doktor Jill, the real power in the White House, didn't finally give up on the power-crazed thing and pull Joe's plug?


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