New Record Set: Bumbling Biden’s Support Among Women Hits 20-Year Low for Democrat Lawmakers

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Embattled Joe Biden just keeps setting record after record. 

Unfortunately for Joe, they're not the kinds of records a president should be setting. From the millions of illegal aliens he has all but invited into the country with mariachi bands to his toilet-bowl-swirling approval ratings, virtually nothing is going right for arguably the worst president in the United States. 


 Now we learn that Biden is losing women's support.

According to an average of more than 30 polls conducted over the last six months and compiled by the New York Times, Biden's support among women is at the lowest point of any Democrat since 2004. 

The analysis raises further concerns about Biden's chances of beating Trump in November, given that women comprise a key demographic for Democrats. Moreover, according to the Times, studies show that women make a major portion of buying decisions for their households, so with inflation and the economy consistently ranking as the top issues among likely voters, it might not yet be time to stick a fork in Joe, but I'd keep it handy.

Here's more (emphasis, mine):

Mr. Biden’s current struggles with Black and Hispanic women are especially striking. He is winning among Black women in the KFF survey by 58 percentage points, but that represents a significant drop from his 86 percentage point margin among Black women in the approach to the 2020 election, according to an average of New York Times/Siena College polls from that election. Mr. Biden’s lead with Hispanic women has also shrunk substantially, to about 12 points. The survey found Mr. Biden’s lead among women overall to be four points.


Inflation voters are more likely to be Black or Hispanic than women overall. They are more likely to be middle-aged. In Michigan, nearly 60 percent of Black women say inflation is the most important issue to their vote. A similar share of Hispanic women in Arizona say the same. For these women, inflation blows all other issues out of the water.

Overall, twice as many women say they were better off financially under Mr. Trump, the KFF surveys found. Young women, a key constituency that Democrats are hoping to retain this cycle, were nearly three times as likely to say things were better for them financially under Mr. Trump than Mr. Biden. 


It gets worse.

 According to polling results from Gallup and Siena College released in March, Trump's surge in support among women runs parallel with his increased support among black and Hispanic voters. Democrat inroads among those groups of voters have deteriorated to the lowest point in 60 years.  

RelatedBlack Voters Offer Great News for Donald Trump, but Not Necessarily the Republican Party

So, "It's the economy, stupid" and never-ending inflation combine to drive up basic cost-of-living expenses for tens of millions of hardworking Americans, who do most voters blame?

I believe there's also a deeper, more fundamental reason Biden is losing support in black America

Democrat politicians have lied to the black population for 60 years, making promises they never attended to keep, all the while kicking their pandering machine into high gear every time another election rolls around. When confronted about promises never kept, Democrats have been quick to deflect to the Republican Party, with nonsense like this: 

"While we haven't always delivered on the promises we've made you, just think how worse off you'd be if you didn't have us to protect you from the evil Republicans."


And now, the irony of ironies.

Black and Hispanic voters are not only running from Joe Biden at a record clip, they're running to Donald Trump, the most diabolical Republican in the history of the universe — another ominous record for Joe.

The Bottom Line

Like all good Democrats, Joe Biden is fond of parroting "a woman's right to choose." Oh, they're "choosing," alright, Joe, they're just not choosing you. Not a joke, pal.


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