Now that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the votes to confirm a nomination from Donald Trump — which he is expected to announce Saturday — to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s SCOTUS seat, bewildered Senate Democrats are left wondering what to do about it.
Fear not, Schumer & Company. Former Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon has an “easy solution” for you: Boycott the hearing.
In response to Democrats who are concerned that 87-year-old Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, “can’t handle” the brutal nomination battle that is sure to come, Fallon on Wednesday afternoon encouraged the Democrats to boycott the hearing, “given that the whole charade is irrelevant, anyway.”
If you are concerned about Feinstein helming the Democratic side of the dais during the confirmation hearing, but also worried about the sensitivities of pushing her aside, there is an easy solution:
Dems boycott the hearing
This whole charade is illegitimate anyway.
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) September 23, 2020
In other words, Trump’s nominee, who will be confirmed, will be an “illegitimate justice” on the Supreme Court because Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans are going to follow the process as proscribed by the U.S. Constitution. Sounds legit.
Fallon isn’t the Lone Ranger in calling for a boycott. MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted: “Seeing more and more calls for this.”
Seeing more and more calls for this… https://t.co/oZhJdOth8t
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 23, 2020
So, yep, Senate Democrats, pick up your marbles and go home. Sit this one out. Pout in the corner. Collapse into a puddle of partisan goo.
Do whatever you need to do to get through the horror that is about to befall you — and, as you’ve all but said, destroy America as we know it.
And if the Democrats were to heed Fallon’s advice and boycott the confirmation hearings? Republican senators just might gladly step aside and let them have at it.
John Noonan, a senior counselor on military and defense affairs to Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) appears to agree.
conservatives are like https://t.co/CWP1mgRAyb pic.twitter.com/dnT882C0IR
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) September 23, 2020
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) September 23, 2020
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) September 23, 2020
Sean Davis, a co-founder of The Federalist, pointed to an issue that is certain to be raised countless times throughout the confirmation process — the despicable treatment of Brett Kavanaugh by Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, suggesting it would be “irresponsible” of Republicans to “reward” them with “another platform for baseless character assassination attempts.”
Given the unconscionable behavior from Senate Democrats during Brett Kavanaugh’s hearings before the Judiciary Committee, I completely agree that it would be irresponsible to reward them with another platform for baseless character assassination attempts. https://t.co/3QAdvsnki7
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 23, 2020
Stephen Miller — AKA: @redsteeze — is onboard, as well.
Yes, this. Listen to Brian. https://t.co/OsBkaPZCec
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 23, 2020
Author David Reaboi, a consultant on national security and political warfare expert, accepted Fallon’s “terms” on the spot.
Your terms are acceptable. https://t.co/fd1q1Tl5Cy
— David Reaboi (@davereaboi) September 23, 2020
As reported by the “progressive” Daily Beast, Senate Democrats are facing “mounting pressure from their party’s activist base to take drastic measures to not only to fight the confirmation process but literally not partake in it.” Democrat aides on Capitol Hill told The Beast there has been talk of the idea.
The notion hasn’t been discussed formally by the entire Democratic membership of the Senate Judiciary Committee—the venue that will consider Trump’s pick—according to one Senate Democratic aide. But, the aide said, lawmakers and staffers have raised it informally in one-off conversations in addition to engaging outside groups and individuals about it.
In addition to talk of a boycott of the confirmation of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement, another Senate Democratic aide said there has also been chatter of a less dramatic—but similarly tailored—gesture: a walkout of hearings should it become evident that they are not being conducted on the level.
At least one Democratic member of the Judiciary panel has publicly entertained the notion of a boycott. Asked on Tuesday by NPR if she was open to it, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said, “I haven’t decided that yet, but I am definitely raising my voice every chance I can.”
Talk of a boycott or walkout, according to another Senate Democratic aide, is in the “spitballing ideas stage” at the moment, said The Beast.
One Twitterer responded to the suggestion with a heavy dose of sarcasm: “Excellent idea. This is the best way to show those dirty Republicans that you mean business.”
Excellent idea. This is the best way to show those dirty Republicans that you mean business. https://t.co/iWWxCk61AC
— I did not and will not vote for him. Calm down. (@jtLOL) September 23, 2020
Meanwhile, as I reported in my earlier piece, today, Ted Cruz Blocks Amendment to Resolution Honoring Ginsburg After Schumer Tries to Pull a SCHUMER, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday blocked an amended resolution honoring the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, objecting to language Schumer attempted insert about her reported “dying wish” — as related to the media by her granddaughter — that her successor not be chosen until a new president is installed.
Speaking on the Senate floor, Schumer said:
“Republicans came to us with this resolution, but it ignored Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish — what she called her ‘most fervent wish’ — that she not be replaced until a new president is installed. So we simply have added it to the exact same text of the resolution that the Republicans gave us.”
Cruz crushed Schumer’s last-minute stunt, and the party was over.
So, here we find ourselves. Senate Democrats cannot stop Mitch McConnell’s Senate from confirming Donald Trump’s coming nominee. Will they accept the recommendation of those in their party pushing a boycott of the hearing? Not a chance.
Does anyone really think Democrats would miss another chance to treat yet another Trump nominee as horribly as they treated Brett Kavanaugh? No way.
Besides, if they did accept the recommendation of Brian Fallon and others, what would we do with all of this popcorn? No — wait — there’s an election coming up soon. Never mind.
H/T ~ Twitchy
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