Can’t make it up. Don’t have to. Particularly when it comes to the deranged actions of the pretend-to-care-about-George-Floyd Antifa rioters, who continue to hold cities like Portland, Oregon, under siege, night after night.
On today’s episode of “Adventures with Antifa,” this clown in Washington, D.C., lectured a first-generation African-American immigrant doctor about how much more “black” he is than she is. “On the inside,” that is. Spoiler: the doc’s clapback was perfect.
“You’re betraying Black Lives Matters,” the activist screamed, as the unidentified doctor reminded him of the obvious, shrugging her shoulders and saying, “You’re white.”
Au contraire, according to the BLM protester. “You’re not black on the inside — I’m more black than you on the inside.” As the doc continued to blow him off, the “protester” dialed it back, a bit, telling her, “You’re on the wrong side of history, ma’am, you’re my sister.”
“You’re not black on the inside, I’m more black than you on the inside”
A #BLM Activist says to first gen African-American immigrant Doctor @stella_immanuel
As he attempts to disrupt the White Coat Confernce about HCQ in DC
Shows you just how insane the resistance has become pic.twitter.com/1Ps6MRzJ4D
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) July 28, 2020
Visions of Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King?
Anyway, the activist and his pals were in D.C. to disrupt the“ White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill, which was scheduled to be a two-day event. Sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots, it began on Monday.
As reported by RealClear Politics, Facebook and YouTube censored a video from the event, which featured “America’s Frontline Doctors” calling out a “massive disinformation campaign” on the treatment of the coronavirus.
From the steps of the US Supreme Court, a group of doctors calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors,” are speaking out as physicians from around the country, addressing the American people about COVID-19 and what they are calling a “massive disinformation campaign” as COVID-19 is keeping businesses closed and schools planning to remain closed this coming September. The event is being widely recognized as the “White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill which is scheduled to be a two-day event. It took place today, July 27, 2020.
In the video, a pediatrician named Dr. Robert Hamilton claimed that children are not transmitting the coronavirus and it is safe to send them back to school in the fall. Hamilton said, “we need to not act out of fear, but we need to act out of science.”
Both Facebook and Breitbart News initially live-streamed the event, but the video was ultimately taken down after accumulating 17 million views within hours.
Setting aside the controversy over whether or not schools should reopen in the fall, and everything else virus-related, this confrontation points to the obvious.
The continuing actions of the left-wing activists — many of whom most likely couldn’t care less about George Floyd — demonstrates the reality of Antifa and Antifa-inspired wannabes. They are singularly focused on destroying America as we know it, and replacing it with God knows what.
Back to the video. Donald Trump Jr. was temporarily suspended by Twitter on Tuesday for tweeting out part of the video in which medical professionals talked about the positive effects of Hydroxychloroquine.
BREAKING: @Twitter & @jack have suspended @DonaldJTrumpJr for posting a viral video of medical doctors talking about Hydroxychloroquine.
Big Tech is the biggest threat to free expression in America today & they’re continuing to engage in open election interference – full stop. pic.twitter.com/7dJbauq43O
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 28, 2020
Black on the inside, outside, both, or neither, the events of 2020 should cause all rational Americans to take pause. Troubling times, indeed.
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