This week on The Jim and Mickey Show, #TJAMS, Jim Geraghty and I walk our listeners through a few fun moments at CPAC, and then right into the Oscars flub heard ’round the world.
We do a reality tv round-up as The Bachelor comes to an end, the stars of this season aren’t giving up the spotlight just yet. And somehow Dancing With The Stars continues to be on the air, even though the “stars” become less and less recognizable.
Rachel Dolezal is back in the headlines, so of course she is topic of our conversation this week. What is it about this woman that gets under our skin?
Jim introduces a new proposal in Sweden than makes us take a second look at government ‘benefits’. A paid holiday of sorts, every week. Is it too much? Too little?
Finally we close with our listener suggestions for this week’s #TrivialTuesday topic. Seems some of you are giving up quite a bit for Lent this year.
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