The mainstream media, in their overblown coverage of the Republican front-runner, love to assert that his policy positions represent the entirety of the GOP. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump has no history of being a conservative, is not currently a conservative, and demonstrates as much in his incoherent ramblings.
At the end of March, Trump initially announced that women who have abortions should be punished. He later backtracked, which is unsurprising, because inconsistency is his only consistency. He has a history, long before running, of being back-and-forth on the issue. Regardless of all that, liberal sites like Daily Kos contend that his statements on the issue are really a part of the GOP agenda as a whole, and we’re just embarrassed that loudmouth Trump let the proverbial cat out of the bag. This is nonsense.
In a Sunday piece on Daily Kos, Laurence Lewis wrote:
Mainstream Republicans are panicked by Trump not because of the substance of what he says, but because he uses a bullhorn to broadcast what they’d prefer to dogwhistle.
…what Trump said about punishing women who have abortions was the logical conclusion of a premise that has become standard Republican dogma. And ostensibly more moderate Republicans not only are no better—in some cases, they’re worse.
…hundreds of abortion restrictions enacted in just the last several years. Unlike creating jobs or opportunity, or promoting civil and human rights, this is a top Republican priority.
There is no more basic human right than the right to life, a truth that leftie loons like Lewis conveniently set aside. Like most of the words that come out of Trump’s mouth, they are not part of a detailed plan for positive change. Abortion restrictions recently passed by governors such as Walker, Bevin, Kasich, and Pence, all take a step in the right direction of addressing the problem of this legal homicide without the non-sensical language that Trump foolishly promotes.
- Last July, Governor Walker signed a 20 week abortion ban on non-emergency abortions. Circumstances where emergency abortions must be performed (a rare thing indeed) are still legal. Women will not suddenly die by the hundreds because of this law.
- Governor Walker recently signed a law that directs taxpayer funds away from Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t shutter Planned Parenthood, but requires that its funding come from other sources. If PP believes itself to be a necessity (it’s not), they can focus on self-funding.
- In February, Governor Bevin signed a law requiring a consultation between a woman and her doctor 24 hours before an abortion. These consultations are to include discussion of risk, as well as talk of other options, besides abortion, which are available to her. Again, not a punishment of women, but a necessity for the physical, mental, and emotional health of both the woman and her child.
- Also in February, Governor Kasich signed a law stripping $1 million in funding from Planned Parenthood in the state of Ohio. As in Wisconsin, this does not close PP clinics, but requires they look for more private funding, something their vast network of bloodlust should have no problem accomplishing.
- In March, Governor Pence signed a law banning abortions based on disability, race or gender in the state of Indiana – essentially a non-discrimination bill! Planned Parenthood is currently suing the state over it.
I list only a few recent examples to show that the actual, detailed legislation from Republicans across the country is not out to punish women, but to promote the idea of pro-woman and pro-baby. Trump’s stance on most everything, including being pro-life, harms what conservatives hold dear. Punishment of women is not our goal, and Trump is not some messenger who let out our big secret.
Anyone who is actually pro-life understands that our message is one that promotes truth and extends compassion, because there are women in crisis pregnancies who believe they have nowhere else to turn. When Planned Parenthood gets their money-hungry claws into them, things change for the worse. Unfortunately, the substance-free rhetoric from the not truly pro-life Trump may drive them that way. The false narrative he helped to create is something we cannot allow to continue.
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