Water Cooler 2/15/18 Open Thread; Dems Get CRUMB Cakes; Looks Like Strzok And Page Weren't Just Texting


RNC To DNC Happy Valentines Day

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Your policies stink

and we are sick and tired of you

GOP to Democrats on valentines day.

Turns out the the GOP may be the stupid party but at least it has a sense of humor. You have to give them credit for mass trolling the Democrats on Valentines Day, with Crumb Cakes and breakup letters.


Republicans across the country used Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to taunt Democrats up for election in 2018 with crumb cakes and break-up letters.

The crumb cakes, a reference to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s continued description of bonuses and tax cuts as “crumbs,” were delivered by Republican National Committee staffers in Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and Indiana—all states expected to Senate battleground states this year.

In Nevada, two boxes filled with crumb cakes were delivered to the office of Rep. Jacky Rosen (D.), who is running for Senate. The boxes were also filled with letters containing messages such as, “We’re done. It’s not us—it’s you.”

—Washington Free Beacon

Crumbs for crumbs seems very appropriate.

Cuomo, Gillibrand, De Blasio, The New Yorkers even New Yorkers don’t want to see run in 2020

A majority of New Yorkers do not want three of their state’s most prominent Democratic politicians to run for president in 2020, according to a new poll.

A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday found that most New York residents are not sold on the idea of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, or New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio running for the nation’s highest office against President Donald Trump, the New York Daily Newsreported.

—Washington Free Beacon


The fact they can’t get their home state to support them does nothing to stop them from telling the rest of the country how to live. De Blasio is a particularly good example the type of undesirable the Democrats perpetually throw up for office. If he isn’t calling for the end of private property he is allegedly shaking down constituents

Hmm maybe De Blasio would be a good choice for the Democrats if they don’t decide it’s still Hillary’s turn.

That Crime Fighting Duo of Strzok and Page is back again

Apparently Peter Strzok took his work on the Clinton e-Mail investigation as a training experience in how to avoid the law and oversight of federal employees.

Two FBI officials who exchanged anti-Trump text messages on government equipment during the 2016 presidential campaign also conducted official business over private email accounts, according to a Senate report.

In one electronic text message on April 10, 2016, FBI official Peter Strzok told agency lawyer Lisa Page: “Gmailed you two drafts of what I’m thinking of sending Bill, would appreciate your thoughts. Second (more recent) is updated so you can skip the first.”

The Daily Signal asked the Justice Department for a response to the evidence that Strzok and Page used private email accounts while transacting official FBI business, what policy is on such use, and also whether the department would meet Johnson’s Feb. 14 deadline.

“We have been working with the committee to respond to their request within a reasonable timeframe,” Ian D. Prior, the agency’s principal deputy director of public affairs, said in an email response.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal analyst at The Heritage Foundation and a former Justice Department official, told The Daily Signal that use of private email makes it possible for federal employees to evade information requests.

“If an employee is using a personal email to discuss official business, then he is avoiding complying with the Federal Records Act and he is avoiding the Freedom of Information Act,” von Spakovsky said.

— The Daily Signal


Gmail ? Well I suppose it’s better than a server set up in a closet.

Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today. As always it’s an open thread


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