On both sides, you hear the same thing: “I don’t like our guy, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for the other candidate.” On the Right, you have people who think Trump is a terrible candidate and who is unworthy of the White House, but Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton so you can’t let her win. On the Left, same thing – Hillary isn’t a great candidate but Trump is so much worse.
You are taking two people who are almost mirror images of each other and saying one is worse than the other, which is simply not the case. It’s flawed logic. There is no lesser of two evils when you are choosing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
One of them is a person who has used government to enrich themselves. They see government as a means to power, and for decades have leeched off it. They’ve used their status in American culture to enrich themselves, despite having no real talent whatsoever. They see the government as a way to take for themselves while promising people who will never have what they have that they can get some of it.
And then there is Donald Trump, who is exactly the same.
Hillary Clinton has used her positions in government – First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State – to give her the status charge six figures for speeches at some of the top financial firms on Wall Street. Sure, she’d have you believe that she would actually take money from those evil businesses and give it to the people who truly deserve it – the little guy, you and me – but we know that’s not true. It’s all about her.
Donald Trump has sought out government help time and again to seize property from people and use it to build towers or parking lots. Yet, he tries to assure the rural Americans who see government as their enemy, one who is out to get them, that he would absolutely keep the government in check.
Neither of these candidates offers any hope for salvation. They are proof that people who seek to enrich themselves at the benefit of others are not just dangerous to us as people, but us as a country when they get the power they seek. The worst part? They don’t believe in what they preach to the followers who fawn over them.
Say what you want about the current administration, but at least Barack Obama believed in what he was doing, and set out to do it. His goal was a fundamental change in America and, bad as it is, we got it. He was anathema to everything America should be, but at the end of the day, you can be sure he believed in what he was doing.
With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this isn’t the case at all. In Trump’s case, he is working from his own playbook, The Art of the Deal. He goes as far to the Right as possible, shouting that he will bring about impossible dreams, and the moment he gets to the negotiating table, he’s going to cut a deal that won’t even give his supporters a noticeable chunk of what they want.
Hillary Clinton is in it for the power. She wants to say she had the top spot in the world, that she was the most powerful woman in the world. And, when she’s out, she can double her speech costs. She is so good at blaming Republicans that, even if she doesn’t get what she wants as President, she can blame them and no one will call her weak for it.
This is what we as a country have given ourselves. Neither candidate is more or less evil than the other. They are the same. They are reflections of each other’s amoral will. And we’ve put ourselves in this predicament.
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