NOPE! To Kick Off Pride Month, CA Sen. Scott Wiener Claims California's Kids Are 'Our Kids'

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

Many Californians know that state Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco) is slavering after higher office. It's an open secret that as soon as Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) retires (or croaks), he will throw his hat into the ring to replace her. Should he be re-elected to his seat in 2024 (a given), he'll have one more go-round for 2026. Should he be re-elected then, the term-limits kick in. Like any political grifter, Wiener is looking ahead for his next meal ticket. However, the whole LGBTQ+ all-the-letters may fly in his San Francisco district and even certain parts nationally, but the pedophile advocacy definitely will not.


Along with the rest of his LGBTQ Caucus in the legislature (all 12 of them), Wiener welcomed a contingent of Pride Month celebrants to the legislative session and announced his support of AB1955, which makes it a crime for school boards to agree to inform parents that their child is being transitioned from one gender to another. The Chino Hills Unified School District is currently being sued by the State of California because it instituted a policy that requires parents to be informed about their child's gender transition. If current legal decisions are any indication, this is a losing battle. So instead, the California legislature will do the mop-up work to reinforce Newsom and Co.'s wasteful lawfare

Our California legislators frequently ignore the voices of their constituents, no matter how loudly we protest. One way they try to circumvent “We the People” is by their use of “gut and amend” legislation.

A recent example is AB1955, authored by Assemblyman Christopher Ward, D-San Diego, the Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act (SAFETY Act). The bill began in the Assembly as an innocuous education bill, seemingly without any controversy. It passed through the various committees via the “consent calendar” meaning that there was no opposition to the bill.

Then, on May 22, after it had been through all the Assembly hoops, the bill as originally written was gutted, and in its place was a bill with the same name and number. This new bill is in reality, a frontal assault on parental rights.

As currently written, AB1955 will now make it illegal for schools to notify parents about the social transitioning of their children without the pupil’s consent. We the People certainly do not consent to this violation of parental rights, yet it moves forward in the Senate. 


Wiener gave a speech supposedly celebrating the Pride Month commemoration but used it to target the opposition to AB1955 and the grooming of California's youth. Wiener called the fight by parents who simply want to be left alone to raise their children as they see fit as "nasty people out there trying to harm us."


We are always there for these kids, these are our kids, and we need to make sure we are lifting them up and giving them a path to success.

"Our kids," huh, Wiener?  You might want to read the room. 

From lowering the age of consent in California to "Drag 101" becoming required school curriculum, Wiener has been at the forefront of some truly horrendous legislation that is anti-parent, and frankly, anti-child. AB1955 is yet another attempt to trample parent's rights by painting their right to know what is occurring with their child as "forced outing.

Senator Scott Wiener, an LGBTQ Caucus member, was slightly more blunt when explaining why he supports AB 1955. Speaking at a Pride Month ceremony in San Francisco, he addressed the issue of children coming out to their parents. He stated, “That’s our decision and no one else’s damn business. We are going to make that clear in the law in the state of California.”

In the May 29 hearing, several testimonies highlighted the severe implications of this bill. Aurora Regino, a mother currently suing the Chico Unified School District, shared her harrowing experience: “My daughter was influenced by her school to believe that her sadness was because she was really a boy. Without informing me, the school encouraged and cemented this male identity for my daughter behind my back.”


So on-brand for Wiener. As my colleague Jerry Wilson wrote, Wiener "has never met a taxpayer-funded social engineering program he didn’t like." But when it comes to this, the American people and even the citizens of California are not on board.

Unbeknownst to Wiener, even San Franciscans will no longer tolerate debauchery cloaked as advocacy.


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