Alex Soros Is the Heir Apparent to George Soros' Empire - A Dangerous Individual We Need to Watch

The Left loves to play apologetics with George Soros, making any criticism of him and his “philanthropic” work an issue of anti-Semitism. The same people that cry about the Koch Brothers, and Sheldon Adelson, and make all kinds of anti-Semitic and spurious statements about them, think Soros can do no wrong and must be defended. Despite the so-far incorrect reports of Soros’ demise, he is 92, and probably in failing health. So, if Soros wishes to secure his legacy of pulling the strings of governments and world leaders and pouring money into disrupting the status quo, he needed to place someone at the helm who would accurately interpret and continue to implement his agenda.


As reported by CNN, Soros ceded control of his billion-dollar empire to his fourth child – Alexander Soros.

Billionaire George Soros, a leading philanthropist and contributor to liberal political causes, has tapped his 37-year old son Alexander Soros to lead his charitable Open Society Foundations and political action committee, a foundation spokesperson confirmed.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Sunday, Alexander Soros revealed that he will chair the Open Society Foundations, Soros’ main philanthropic organization. While Alexander Soros had continued to be listed as deputy chair of the foundations in recent months, he was tapped as chair of the board in December.

The Wall Street Journal‘s lengthy profile is both fawning and chilling. It presents a latter-day replacement for Soros the father who has been groomed and positioned to do more damage to our justice systems, our electoral apparatus, and our constitutional freedoms.

George Soros, the legendary investor, philanthropist and right-wing target, is handing control of his $25 billion empire to a younger son—Alexander Soros, a self-described center-left thinker who grew up self-conscious of the family’s wealth and wasn’t thought to be a potential successor.

This means Alex Soros has something to prove and will do all he can to out-progressive his progressive-on-steroids father. Always a bad sign, but Soros the Scion doubles down on this.

The 37-year-old, who goes by Alex, said in the first interview since his selection that he was broadening his father’s liberal aims—“We think alike,” the elder Soros said—while embracing some different causes. Those include voting and abortion rights, as well as gender equity. He plans to continue using the family’s deep pockets to back left-leaning U.S. politicians.



George Soros’ aims were never liberal—they are Left-wing madness. Funding district attorneys of the ilk of George Gascon in Los Angeles County, Kim Gardner in St. Louis, Kim Foxx in Illinois, and Alvin Bragg in Manhattan was only the first part of his agenda. Soros is a chaos agent who works under the guise of philanthropy. Alex Soros now plans to further advance this madness.

“I’m more political,” Alex said, compared with his father. He recently met with Biden administration officials, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and heads of state, including Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to advocate for issues related to the family foundation.

The Soros’s nonprofit Open Society Foundations, known as OSF, directs about $1.5 billion a year to groups such as those backing human rights around the world and helping build democracies. Foundation money also goes to universities and other educational organizations. The Soros super PAC, Democracy PAC, has backed the election campaigns of district attorneys and law-enforcement officials seeking to reduce incarceration rates and racial bias in the justice system, among the efforts that have riled the right.

Granted, this is a puff profile, but what always amazes me is how legacy media journalists follow the line that reducing incarceration rates and combatting “racial bias” is something that the right hates.

It was a Republican president who instituted the First Step Act. It was a Democrat president whose 1994 Crime Act incarcerated more people of color than any administration. So, it would behoove these journalists to 1) point out these inconvenient truths; and 2) actually bring some data that shows that Soros’ work to institute these woke D.A.s has actually done little to reduce incarceration rates or racial bias in the justice system. The New York Post did just that, pushing back on a George Soros’ op-ed in the same Wall Street Journal defending his commitment to social justice and racial equity in the legal system.


Soros published the op-ed amid a backlash against lax district attorneys that led San Francisco voters to recall DA Chesa Boudin over spikes in shoplifting, open-air drug dealing and broad-daylight assaults, often against Asian Americans. Down the coast in Los Angeles, another recall effort is targeting DA George Gascon — who got nearly $3 million in campaign funds from Soros.

Closer to home, Bragg — whose campaign received $1 million from Soros via the Color of Change political action committee — has come under fire for allowing habitual criminals out of jail, while prosecuting ordinary New Yorkers for defending themselves.

If New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are examples, his policies and his D.A.s have done absolutely nothing but allowed crime to increase and terrorize innocent people.

But this is the family heritage that Alex Soros plans to take over and further. In the lengthy article which covers George Soros’ background and that of his sons Jonathan and Alex, this gets buried at the end of the piece:

While criticism of George Soros sometimes includes antisemitic tropes, the Soros foundation hasn’t supported many Jewish causes. Alex, by contrast, has visited Israel several times and he celebrates such Jewish religious holidays as Rosh Hashana and Passover, which his father doesn’t.

Alex is more focused on domestic politics than his father, he said. Alex is helping Democrats appeal to Latino voters and improve turnout among Black voters. He has urged Democratic politicians to better hone their message, broadening the party’s appeal.

“Our side has to be better about being more patriotic and inclusive,” he said. “Just because someone votes Trump doesn’t mean they’re lost or racist.”


So, look for more candidates like former president Barack Obama to enter the political fray. Obama bamboozled the marginally religious and the religious Left, as well as faithful Blacks with his thoughtful, palatable brand of faith which served as a disguise for his left-wing ideology and policies.

Alex doesn’t command a room like his father, appearing uncomfortable in large public settings, colleagues said. And he is hindered by a relative lack of experience on the world stage. But his appointment could help the organization in one important way, according to people who work with him.

From the videos I have watched of Alex Soros, he comes off as an academic. Less commanding, more cerebral. The problem with this persona is that it will be mistaken as more reasonable and less dangerous than his more forceful father.

Don’t be fooled.

“Alex is unlikely to be the boogeyman that George Soros was for the right,” Romero said.

If conservatives are wise, they will keep a close eye on Alex Soros and call his actions and initiatives out. Alex Soros has already forged a redemption backstory of lost party boy to fervent acolyte, and a cultural and social persona that draws people in rather than repels them. Alex Soros is the slow loris that will seep poison into our efforts to maintain our constitutional foundation and the freedoms that are now under perpetual attack.


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