Sometimes, it’s best for those who value liberty to go on the offense against those who don’t. School choice is one of those issues in which we should be forcing those who oppose allowing parents to decide where and how their children are educated to explain why the state should be making the decision instead.
A government watchdog group has launched an ad campaign criticizing Democrats’ opposition to school choice by likening it to segregation. The ad draws a parallel between modern Democratic politicians and the late Democratic Alabama Governor George Wallace, known for his resistance to school integration. The campaign aims to hold Democrats accountable for their stance on schools and promote equal access to quality education for all children.
The organization is making the right move:
A new ad campaign launched by a government watchdog is targeting Democrats’ opposition to increased school choice as akin to segregation.
According to the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, the new ad, titled, “Education Fairness for All,” is part of a combined digital and tv campaign, and compares a number of modern Democratic politicians to the late-former Democratic Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who famously opposed the integration of schools in the 1960s, and coined the phrase, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.”
“In 1963, Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door to keep Black children out of the best schools. In 2023, a new generation of George Wallace Democrats is again blocking schoolhouse doors, opposing popular school choice programs,” the ad says.
“In states like New York, Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas, Democrats are fighting programs that give Black and Hispanic parents the ability to send their kids to the best possible schools. Yet, many of these same politicians send their own kids to private schools. It’s time for every child in America to finally have equal access to good schools,” it adds.
School choice has become a contentious issue in American politics, with Democrats often taking a stand against measures that promote alternatives to traditional public schools. The fact that several states, including Arizona and Iowa, have passed sweeping school choice measures to empower parents helped to catapult the issue into the spotlight. The debate over school districts forcing progressive ideology in public school classrooms has motivated many parents to seek other educational options for their kids.
By denying students, especially those from marginalized communities, the opportunity to attend high-quality schools, opponents inadvertently perpetuate racial disparities in education and hinder wealth generation for black children.
In the mid-20th century, racial segregation was a deeply entrenched issue in American society, particularly within the education system. It denied black children equal access to quality education and perpetuated systemic racism. Today, while legal segregation has been abolished, the opposition to school choice bears striking similarities to the era of segregation. By restricting educational opportunities for black children, opponents effectively keep them trapped in failing schools, hindering their chances of success and exacerbating racial disparities. If I didn’t know any better, I might be tempted to think this is by design.
Opponents of school choice argue that it diverts resources from public schools and disproportionately benefits privileged families. However, the reality is that black children are the ones who suffer the most from failing schools, as they are often trapped in underfunded and low-performing educational environments. Denying them the ability to choose alternative schools perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage and prevents them from accessing the educational opportunities they need to succeed.
Education is not only a fundamental right but also a pathway to social mobility and wealth generation. By opposing school choice, opponents inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of racial wealth disparities. Failing schools with limited resources and inadequate instruction hinder academic achievement, reducing opportunities for higher education and well-paying careers. As a result, black children are more likely to face limited economic prospects and struggle to build generational wealth, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.
There is a reason why black parents overwhelmingly favor school choice.
As someone who can see that the government tends to screw up almost anything it touches, I would rather see the state out of the education business altogether. But enacting school choice is a step in the right direction, from where I sit.
Opposing school choice may perpetuate segregation-like conditions by disproportionately keeping black children in failing schools. This perpetuates racial disparities in education and hinders wealth generation for black communities. When all parents are able to exercise different educational options, we will live in a freer society.