Conservative Doni Anthony Explains Why She Deserves to Be Arlington’s Next Mayor

AP Photo/Jeffrey McWhorter


I had the privilege of interviewing Doni Anthony, who is running for mayor of Arlington, Texas. As a conservative, she is hoping to make a positive difference in the city. During the interview, we discussed how she became involved in local politics and what made her decide to run for mayor.


But what stood out to me the most was something that has been lacking in many other new candidates: She does not shy away from discussing her policy priorities. On her website, she provides an overview of the type of actions she will take once in office.

One of Anthony’s top priorities is making it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run their businesses in the city. She wants to lower taxes and remove onerous regulations that have become serious obstacles to success for small business owners.

Anthony is also very much against the hard left’s effort to defund the police. Instead of removing police officers from the streets, she seeks to ensure that officers are able to do their jobs effectively. As someone who understands the importance of local politics, it was easy to see that she gets it, which is why I enjoyed this particular interview quite a bit.

Visit Doni Anthony’s website here.









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