President Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” There is no swamp more disgusting than the cesspool that is the IRS. Of the biggest supposed “non-scandal” scandals that took place while Obama was President was the IRS targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
Republicans want to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for his culpability in the scandal. Here we are, seventy days into the Trump administration and Koskinen still has a job.
Koskinen will be in the spotlight in the coming weeks ahead of the April 18 tax-filing deadline. He is scheduled to speak at the National Press Club on Wednesday and before the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday.
Former President Obama nominated Koskinen to lead the IRS in 2013, not long after it was revealed that the agency had subjected Tea Party groups’ applications for tax-exempt status to extra scrutiny and delays. Koskinen had not previously worked at the IRS and had a background as a turnaround specialist.
Many Republicans accuse Koskinen of impeding congressional investigations into the political-targeting scandal. They argue that he made false and misleading statements under oath and didn’t comply with a subpoena.
There is no good reason for Koskinen to be around. It’s time to give him the boot and put in his place a fierce critic of the IRS.
Drain that swamp, Mr. President.
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