Jeff Sessions gave answers in his confirmation hearing some people do not like. Senator Al Franken, who is more comfortable writing scripts, didn’t ask the right questions and Sessions responses in context were about contacts with Russian officials about matters of the Presidential campaign. The only people suggesting Sessions did something that warrants a punishment of any kind are partisans. Naturally, the ACLU is there to fill the role.
From Fox News:
The ACLU filed an ethics complaint Thursday with the Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Commission against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, alleging the former senator violated the code of conduct during his confirmation hearing testimony.
“Mr. Sessions is the Attorney General of the United States and violated Rule 8.4 of the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct,” according to the complaint filed by the ACLU’s Chris Anders, deputy director at the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, where he represents the ACLU before Congress and the executive branch.
“Mr. Sessions made false statement during sworn testimony on January 10, 2017 and in a subsequent written response to questions January 17, 2017.” Anders continued, “Rule 8.4 (c) of the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct states that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to ‘engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.”
I am not a lawyer so I am not going to attempt to delve into the niggling details of the complaint. That said, what in God’s name is the ACLU doing? The issue with Sessions has nothing to do with civil liberties, nothing to do with civil rights and certainly nothing to do with an issue related to the constitution.
Filing this complaint is a political move, nothing more. If somebody can produce ethics complaints the ACLU filed in Arkansas against President Clinton after he, you know, lied under oath, I’d be happy to see them.
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