The Professional Protestors and Bernie Sanders

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Hillary Clinton invited Deray McKesson to her third announcement speech. That was the one she did when everyone forgot about the first two and the video.


McKesson is affiliated with the Black Lives Matter crowd of professional protestors and disruptors around the country. They go from place to place to protest injustices that are often real and sometimes not. They are, for example, back in Ferguson now to protest.

Of course, during the Nut Roots Nation confab, they protested Hillary Clinton’s opponent Martin O’Malley who had the audacity to say that all lives matter.

And now, they’ve shut down a Bernie Sanders event before a very large crowd.

Sanders and O’Malley, by the way, have released policy papers related to “black lives matter” and police/racial injustice. Hillary Clinton has not.

But I don’t seem to recall a Clinton event being shut down by the Black Lives Matter crowd.


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