In December of 2009 I asked a couple of simple questions, “Do you believe that conservatives can win general elections?” And, “do you think that the GOP has the best chance since 1994 to make gains in the House and Senate this coming year?”
In December of 2013 I find myself asking it once again.
If the answer is yes, as I suspect it to be, then we need to come together early around conservatives who will fight for our principles in the Senate. One of those conservatives is Ken Buck.
After battling stage 4 cancer and coming out the other side stronger and more committed to end the disastrous effects of Obamacare, Ken Buck is the conservative champion that Colorado needs.
Early polling has shown Ken in the strongest position to not only win the caucus and primary, but also beat Mark Udall in November of 2012. Recent trends in the generic congressional ballot, along with rebukes from Coloradans over gun control efforts and Obamacare implementation, show that Colorado is still a swing state. And the pendulum is swinging in our direction.
Ken Buck is the conservative candidate who can win.
But he needs our help. Ken is currently doing a money bomb to show strength in the final days of the quarter, which ends on January 31.
You can help Ken and his campaign reach their goal by tweeting and sharing the #BackBuck tag on Facebook and Twitter.
Ken won’t just be fighting liberal interests in this race. Once again he will have to face off with establishment Republicans. Ken will need money to fight back against those who voted for Obamacare in the U.S. Senate, and those like Rep. Amy Stephens who enabled Obamacare in the Colorado House.
Ken Buck wants to bring common sense conservative principles back to Washington. Ken wants to fight with other allies like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul.
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