It has been a fun and interesting week.It started with gay rights activists enraged over me saying I wasn’t worried the scouts letting in gay scouts would make my son gay. Rather, I was worried about my son living in a world that doesn’t think homosexual practice is a sin.It ended with me making all sorts of people mad for defending the traditional family structure.From death threats to insults, it is just the usual mess one gets into by uttering unpopular opinions. Some of those upset and disagreeing were quite reasonable and we just disagree. But the loudest disagreement came from demanders for tolerance who are the least tolerant people on the planet. Likewise, the most self-righteous tend to have the least humor.Through the course of the week, in the midst of these conversations, my wife has been bed ridden with illness, we’ve had friends staying with us in the process of their move out of town, the kids have been home from school, and I still have three jobs to balance.It’s been a bit crazy.Several people, including Laura Ingraham, have said I should not retweet all the hate, but I think it is important to see what peddlers of tolerance say when they cannot tolerate a dissenting opinion. And frankly, after a few days of some pretty nasty invective hurled my way, it also helps draw in a few reinforcements to an otherwise one man operation on my twitter timeline.But there’s something else and it is world view. I just don’t see a reason to be angry or hostile with these people and their small rage over a different opinion that will be largely forgotten next week. Many of them demand to know how I can call myself a Christian while so many of them either are not or worship the Jesus of their own creation and not the God who is. We all fall short of the glory of God. We all like sheep have gone astray. But Jesus still loves us.There’s a lot of anger out there on both sides and a lot of intolerance from the tolerance peddlers. But there is no need to be angry.Since the moment that rock was rolled back from the tomb we’ve been running a victory lap. There will be a last day. And on that day Christ wins. It’s already locked in. Every knee shall bend and every head shall bow. Every. Single. One.So there’s no need to be angry. Just laugh. Most of these people cannot seem the grasp the difference between “your” and “you’re”. If the world loved you, you’d be doing something wrong. Victory comes though we know not when, so we must be happy warriors until the end.
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. — John 15:19 (ESV)
All the invective and hate just affirms for me I’m doing something right.
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