In The Grave

H/t to Ben Domenech for this excellent quote:β€œIn perfect freedom, the Son become the goat become the Lamb of God is condemned by the lie in order to bear witness to the truth. The truth is that we are incapable of setting things right. The truth is that the more we try to set things right, the more we compound our guilt. It is not enough for God to take our part. God must take our place. All the blood of goats and lambs, all the innocent victims from the foundation of the world, all the acts of expiation and reparation … all strengthen the grip of the great lie that we can set things right. The grip of that lie is broken by the greatest of lies, ‘God is guilty!’ … God must die. It is a lie so monstrous that to suggest it invites instant annihilation–except that God accepts the verdict.”– Richard John Neuhaus



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