the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. GOProud’s Outing of Rick Perry Pollster Tony Fabrizio Backfires, Outs Them Instead
2. The Conservative Fight of the Year Goes On
3. The GOP Payroll Tax Cut/UI Extension Proposal
4. North America’s Energy Bounty, By the Numbers
5. Team Romney’s pointless reach-out to the Leftist press.
6. When Did the EPA Jump the Shark?
7. Implementing An International IRS In The Name Of Robin Hood
8. Sending Mixed Messages, Obama’s NLRB Drops Wrongful Prosecution of Boeing
1. GOProud’s Outing of Rick Perry Pollster Tony Fabrizio Backfires, Outs Them Instead
Earlier this week, Governor Perry released a campaign ad which contained a line about gays being able to serve in the military, but children not being allowed to pray in schools. The theme of the ad was ending President Obama’s ‘war on religion.’ It was, of course, met with the usual and expected responses from various quarters. I’m not going to defend nor bash the ad; it’s neither here nor there to me. What I found most disturbing, and most telling, was GOProud’s reprehensible, bullying and bigoted response to the ad.A report surfaced that Governor Perry’s Chief Pollster, Tony Fabrizio, was opposed to the ad. GOProud jumped on that and ran all the way to Vileville with it, exposing their belief that all gay people must think the same way. Granted I’m one of those icky breeders, but I’m fairly certain that gay people are, you know, individuals. With thoughts and beliefs of their very own. Not so, according to GOProud! Stray too far, and we will shame you into lockstep! You see, in the midst of a stompy foot temper tantrum, GOProud’s true colors came out – and the colors are so not fabulous.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. The Conservative Fight of the Year Goes On
The Tea Party has lined up strongly in favor of Senator Ron Johnson in against Establishment- favorite Roy Blunt for in the race Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. This race could be very close. Sen. Johnson has locked up the support from all of the conservative heroes in the Senate. Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte, Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, David Vitter, and Mike Lee are publicly supporting Johnson. Florida Senate hopeful Adam Hasner has followed Sen. Rubio in publicly supporting Sen. Johnson.House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan has endorsed Senator Johnson, an unusual step for a House Member in a Senate Leadership election.The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel called it an “outsider vs. insider race”. This means those of us on the outside need to step up and make our views known, or the insiders will win, as they usually do. Johnson is the first Tea Party Senator to run for Leadership, and if he wins it will give us a powerful voice in the room.Call your Republican Senators now 202-224-3121 and tell them to support Senator Johnson. If both of your Senators are Democrats, call Senators from other states.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. The GOP Payroll Tax Cut/UI Extension Proposal
On Friday, House Republican leaders unveiled their package deal to extend the payroll tax and unemployment benefits for another year and to continue Medicare ‘doc fix’ for another two years.While bipartisan passage of the payroll tax cut and doc fix were a forgone conclusion, the real issues for conservatives were the UI extension and the spending cuts. Unfortunately, they are acquiescing to another extension, albeit with some reforms.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. North America’s Energy Bounty, By the Numbers
On Tuesday, the Institute for Energy Research issued its North American Energy Inventory (.pdf link), a report which documents the government’s own estimates of oil, natural gas and coal resources for the U.S., Canada and Mexico. (The IER is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)3 organization that is dedicated to advancing America’s supply using free market principles.)In a nutshell, North America contains a vast bounty of energy sources in the form of oil, natural gas and coal. Reports that we are “running out” of energy sources use semantics and terminology to play with the facts. Simply put, we have chosen not to exploit potential sources close to home, finding it more expedient or convenient to depend on faraway sources for our energy.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Team Romney’s pointless reach-out to the Leftist press.
Background: Matt Lewis noted with no little bemusement that some folks working for Team Romney had a conference call where folks from organizations from the table below were invited and were given the opportunity to ask questions, while “Townhall.com, HotAir, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, National Review, Weekly Standard, American Spectator, or Washington Times” got left out in the cold. Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air was willing enough to note that they didn’t give an invite… and I’ll chime in that – as far as I know – neither did RedState. Which doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, given that Team Romney apparently… well. I will be nice.But never mind that. Conference calls are often themselves tools of a Lower power, anyway. Instead, let’s look again at who got invited, and who got to ask Team Romney questions.Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. When Did the EPA Jump the Shark?
Iron Eyes Cody cried at the sight of polluted waters and skies in a famous public service announcement, first aired in 1971. Old Iron Eyes may have been a faux-Indian, but his message resonated with people. The Crying Indian PSA was one of the most successful ever.It resonated because it was true. In the early ’70s, the environment was a mess. Urban skies were noticeably tinged in sepia/grey. Rivers and streams were often clogged with discarded debris and fouled with chemical sludge.Please click here for the rest of the post.
7. Implementing An International IRS In The Name Of Robin Hood
Today, under the guise of making the rich “pay their fair share(!),” there is a global movement for worldwide taxation that is being pushed by the likes of George Soros, Al Gore, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, European Socialists, as well as union bosses (and just about every other Marxist group you can imagine). However, unless Americans realize the effort and its ultimate ends, some day soon, we may wake up under the thumbs of global bureaucrats demanding that all Americans pay their “fair share” to a global tax collector—an international IRS, if you will.Please click here for the rest of the post.
8. Sending Mixed Messages, Obama’s NLRB Drops Wrongful Prosecution of Boeing
Following the ratification of a new Seattle-area contract between Boeing and its largest union, the International Association of Machinists, eight months of the union extremists running Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board wrongfully prosecuting Boeing offcially and quietly comes to an end.Please click here for the rest of the post.
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