the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. Obama’s Labor Department Looks To Take The ‘Family’ Out of Family Farms
2. ‘The Most Volatile Republican Race in Decades’ Is Actually Well Settled
3. Are Conservatives Ready to Forgive Newt Gingrich His Sins?
4. Five Things You Need To Know About New Hampshire
5. DNC Discrimination Against Non-Union Business Challenged By NC Lawmakers
1. Obama’s Labor Department Looks To Take The ‘Family’ Out of Family Farms
Let’s establish this right out of the gate so as not to confuse issues: It is wrong when corporations use child labor. Forgetting the law for a moment, whether it is here in the U.S. or overseas, children are children, and corporations should not exploit children. Got it? With that said, this is not about corporations, this is about families and farms. More specifically, family farms and the overreach of the federal government.For centuries, even before there was Willie Nelson and FarmAid, farming throughout the world (including here in the United States) has largely been a family affair. That is, parents and their children (when not in school) work from dawn until dusk to put food on the family table, and the tables of others.Recognizing this, when child labor laws were developed in the last century, there was an exemption built in for family farms. Now, however, the concept of the family farm may be getting gutted if the Obama Labor Department has its way.Under a proposed “dramatic updating” of the nation’s child labor regulations, the Department of Labor is considering eliminating many of the tasks that children and young adults do on their family’s farm.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. ‘The Most Volatile Republican Race in Decades’ Is Actually Well Settled
The race is so volatile because the race is well settled as we get 38 days from Iowa. The race is settled against Mitt Romney. The question, however, is who the alternative is going to be. And if one does not hold up, it will fall to Mitt Romney.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. Are Conservatives Ready to Forgive Newt Gingrich His Sins?
I think in the next few weeks conservatives must ask themselves if they are ready to forgive Newt his sins. I’m not talking about his adultery and wives. I’m not really even talking about his ego. What I am talking about is only tangentially related to his sitting on a couch with Nancy Pelosi.It was, after all, Newt Gingrich who advocated for an individual mandate long before Mitt Romney ever did. Gingrich has, like Clinton before him, been a “third way” fan of new fangled ways to do things. The conservative warrior people tend to think Gingrich is, often is not. Newt has a fascination with the shiny in policy and technology, hence the latest oppo drop on Newt that he once praised Donald Berwick, the Obama appointee chosen to oversee the death panels and shoving of grandparents over the medical cost savings cliff.To be fair to Gingrich, he was offering legitimate praise to Berwick way back when and Berwick’s own writings that Newt praised would be damning to Obamacare. But it is the first of many attacks.The real issue for Gingrich is that he is the Great American Sisyphus, always rolling his political rock up a hill only to see it go tumbling back down. And unfortunately for many, when Newt reaches the top of the hill and his political career starts its roll back down the hill, many others get rolled over in the process.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Five Things You Need To Know About New Hampshire
I was the sole general chairman of the New Hampshire campaign of Pat Buchanan in the winter of 1995-6.I was alone because my co-chairman, faced with unmoving single-digit poll numbers, had fled for the Dole campaign.I remember Pat’s consternation about our seemingly stagnant poll numbers. And yet, when New Hampshire voters began focusing on the election, those polls became meaningless. Just a few weeks before the primary.The “pitch fork” brigade carried New Hampshire. And I am convinced that had there not been shenanigans in South Carolina, a GOP under a Buchanan banner would have defeated Clinton and rewritten history — unlike — the sleazy stand-for-nothing Dole.So — what do you want to know about New Hampshire?Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. DNC Discrimination Against Non-Union Business Challenged By NC Lawmakers
Several weeks ago, I told you the story of John Monteith, a Charlotte, NC business executive that had been told his company could not bid on work related to the Democratic National Convention because the printing firm he worked for was not unionized.In fact, the union pressures surrounding the DNC are so great that there have been doubts that non-union employees will even have a job during the week the Democrats descend on the Queen City.The mayor of Charlotte, Anthony Foxx, denied that any discrimination existed against non-union shops. The Convention’s host committee denied it as well.Luckily, as one local newspaper put it, “Conservative blogs and the N.C. Republican Party are fueling concerns.” Those concerns have led to a resolution proposed by NC lawmakers [text below] asking that the DNC respects North Carolina’s right-to-work laws and puts the focus on local business, not collective bargaining.Please click here for the rest of the post.
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