the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. Now House Republicans Must Fight The Gang of 6?s Gangrene Plan
2. The Fuzzy Math from Gang of Six
3. The President’s Spending Cut Prediction was Only Off by 4,000 Billion Dollars.
4. Destroying Rupert Murdoch
5. Solving the NLRB Ambush Election and Card-Check Issues in One Fell Swoop
6. PCCC/Reddit cofounder Aaron Swartz indicted for mail fraud.
1. Now House Republicans Must Fight The Gang of 6?s Gangrene Plan
Think of the Senate “Gang of 6? Plan as the “Gangrene Plan.” It will slowly, but surely, rot away the nation. It was presented yesterday with a few claims:(1) It was not designed to play a role in the debt ceiling debate;(2) It was not meant to undercut the House Republicans’ “Cut, Cap, and Balance” plan; and,(3) It would not be a tax increase.The reality is the opposite of each of those statements. The Gang of 6 plan is intended to play a role in the debt ceiling debate by giving the McConnell-Reid-Pelosi Pontius Pilate Act more life to get passed until the Gangrene Plan can take affect.They rushed the plan out the door with a coordinating statement of support from the White House to try to stop the momentum toward the Cut, Cap, and Balance Plan.And they did this all while trying to provide cover for massive, massive tax increases. And the pathetic irony is that while the President wants to use it to give cover to a $2 trillion debt increase this year, the Gangrene Plan would cut only $3.5 trillion in debt over ten years. In other words, the Democrats would foist on us $2 trillion in debt today in exchange for cutting the budget by $3.5 trillion in ten years — assuming Congress and the President agree to all the cut recommendations and excluding interest on the national debt.The Gangrene Plan was to no avail. The House Republicans, joined by five Democrats, passed Cut, Cap, and Balance last night. The House GOP showed it is in favor of raising the debt ceiling, but only if spending is cut, future spending is capped, and the budget is balanced.The Senate GOP is furious. They have been undermined. The House GOP stood up for principle.What’s going to happen now is the Senate will tell the House that its plan cannot pass. House Republicans must now continue to hold the freaking line. They must not waiver. They must understand that now that their plan is passed and that it allows the debt ceiling to be raised, the House GOP’s hand strengthens every day closer to August 2nd. And if this debacle goes past August 2nd, the House GOP is in charge as long as it holds the freaking line.As for Mitch McConnell? In addition to his plan being a nonstarter, conservatives have gone to war with him personally. Here is a new ad that is about to launch against McConnell in a full on assault against his Pontius Pilate Plan.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. The Fuzzy Math from Gang of Six
As a rule of thumb, any idea coming from a gang is not a good one. This holds true in the real world; it is certainly true in the gangster world of the U.S. Senate. Members of the media are agog with glee over the supposed Gang of Six deal to cut the deficit by $3.7 trillion over 10 years. There is much hype over the fact that more than half the Senate attended the unveiling of the proposal, with many Republicans – including those in leadership – offering robust praise for it. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) is calling for a vote on the plan, even though most of the details don’t exist.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. The President’s Spending Cut Prediction was Only Off by 4,000 Billion Dollars.
Rep. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina’s 5th district, had strong words today for House Democrats demagoguing the Cut, Cap & Balance proposal from Republicans. Mulvaney correctly categorizes the Democrat’s own proposal as Duck, Dodge & Dismantle.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Destroying Rupert Murdoch
In 1998, a reporter at the Cincinnati Enquirer, Michael Gallagher, wrote an 18 page exposé on Chiquita Brands International and its corporate goings on in Central America. The report sourced phone calls leaked to the newspaper.In fact, Gallagher had illegally tapped into Chiquita’s phone system.In 2010, NBC’s parent company General Electric paid a $23.5 million settlement to the SEC on allegations that its subsidiaries bribed Iraqi officials to win UN contracts.In neither case was Gannett, the parent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, or GE hauled before Congress with its CEO sworn in to answer questions about their conduct.In neither case did media sensationalize what was going on.But things are different with Rupert Murdoch. Why? Because he is amazingly successful and many other media properties unwilling or unable to compete would rather destroy him than innovate ahead of him.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Solving the NLRB Ambush Election and Card-Check Issues in One Fell Swoop
This week, on Monday and Tuesday, an “open meeting” occurred at President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board over the NLRB’s proposal to move toward ambush elections. Though largely a waste of time, since the union appointees running the NLRB have little intent to listen to the practical side of labor relations and will do the unions’ bidding, there is a simple solution to resolving this entire matter that is straightforward, fair and apolitical.Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. PCCC/Reddit cofounder Aaron Swartz indicted for mail fraud.
PCCC stands for “Progressive Change Campaign Committee,” which was a group that rose to fame last year for its stellar record in taking progressive campaign cash and turning it into mocking, pathetically broken dreams; Reddit is of course the popular news source that none of you use because the liberals on it will downvote you to death if you try; Aaron Swartz is a co-founder of both, as well as the Executive Director of Demand Progress*; and ‘mail fraud’ is a shorter way of saying “A Harvard University fellow studying ethics has been accused of using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s computer network to steal nearly 5 million academic articles.” Specifically, Swartz is being charged with hacking into and stealing from JSTOR – which is pretty much the source for online academic journal articles.Please click here for the rest of the post.
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