Morning Briefing for August 25, 2010

RedState Morning Briefing
For August 25, 2010

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1. Marco Rubio is Solidly Ahead in Florida.

An untrained observer, looking at the RCP Average of polling conducted in the Florida Senate race, might conclude that Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist are in a virtual tie. A fool might look at these numbers and conclude Charlie Crist is more likely to win. However, a person with an even casual understanding of how polls are conducted will understand that this polling shows Marco Rubio to be a solid favorite in this race, with a lead roughly as comfortable as that of Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire and Rand Paul in Kentucky. The explanation for this, of course, lies in sample of persons polled by the respective organizations polling this race. From the beginning of this race, Quinnipiac University and the St. Petersburg Times have polled registered voters, a set which purports to winnow out at least those adults not eligible to vote. Rasmussen and Mason-Dixon, on the other hand, have consistently polled “likely voters,” which purports to be a subset of registered voters who are judged to be more representative of the people who can be counted on to actually cast a vote on Election Day.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Rick Scott Wins

It was one of the nastiest primaries anyone could remember in Florida. Scott and McCollum spent millions attacking each other — Scott with his own fortune and McCollum with a great deal of third party group money.McCollum’s campaign orchestrated stunt after stunt to highlight the baggage Scott would bring to the general election, but it was not enough.Rick Scott, a conservative businessman and healthcare executive, won the Republican nomination — barely even losing to McCollum in McCollum’s own home county.Scott ran as an outsider and the entire GOP establishment in Florida lined up against him. Most of the conservative establishment in Washington also lined up against him.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Charlatans and the Horse They Rode In On

I have been biting my tongue so hard for so long that I’m surprised I haven’t developed gangrene, but the time has come to open my mouth, or at least put fingers to the keyboard.I have for years been shouting into the wind about those I believe are conservative charlatans abusing the money of donors, burning bridges, and making it all the more difficult for solid conservative activists to gain the trust of large conservative donors.As I told Ken Vogel a few weeks ago, “Every movement — left, right, center or no political affiliation whatsoever — attracts its contingent of scammers and con artists and charlatans, and it takes a while for that to sort itself out . . . . And that’s why a lot of the money is still sitting on the sidelines.”And now there is this.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Intel CEO Otellini: The Democrats Are Destroying our Economy

This is a stunning indictment from the leader of one of America’s most successful technology companies.The most disturbing part of Otellini’s comments is that he says nothing groundbreaking, nothing unexpected, and nothing that we have not heard many times before. Otellini talks about regulation, taxation, litigation and transparency – all issues that have been cited by business leaders for years. But our ‘leaders’ in Washington ignore these concerns, and instead pile on more taxes, more regulation, more litigation costs, greater uncertainty about the climate going forward. And they do all this while claiming to be ‘pro-jobs.’Please click here for the rest of the post.



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