We Must Now Move Rapidly to Colorado

Friends, let me have your attention for a minute.We won Pennsylvania by default with Pat Toomey. Same in Florida with Marco Rubio.We lost in Indiana with Marlin Stutzman, though I hope we’ll see him again within two years.We won in Utah tossing Bob Bennett — but it won’t be much of a win unless Mike Lee wins the primary.Along the way, we’ve given little attention to a must win primary — Colorado and Ken Buck.I know Ken Buck. In fact, of all the candidates I’ve endorsed: Stutzman, Rubio, Lee, Toomey, Haley, etc. I know Ken Buck and his wife the best. We’ve got to get this guy to the United States Senate. Seriously.I hate to sound like Rush Limbaugh, but don’t doubt me on this one. I think I’ve earned it here just this once.Colorado and this nation both need a guy like Ken Buck who will unquestionably have Jim DeMint’s back and be not a politician, but an actually normal guy in the Senate — a man without pretension, but with conviction.Let’s go all in for Ken Buck.



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