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1. Confirmed, White Substance Mailed to Governor Brewer
2. Yes, Faisal Shahzad must get Mirandized.
3. It Was Mitch McConnell
4. Judd Gregg and Bob Corker Sell Out GOP on Bailouts
5. Tragic Profit
6. Well, at least Meghan Cofield’s getting work.
7. The Public Sector Weight Around Taxpayers’ Necks
8. BP, LLC: Caution: Heads Exploding — especially the man with his boot on BP’s throat.
9. Coats Wins. Marlin Stutzman Becomes a Conservative Rock Star
1. Confirmed, White Substance Mailed to Governor Brewer
Late yesterday, I spoke with Chief Andrew Staubitz of the Capitol Police in Phoenix, Arizona. This morning, police and the fire department responded to a call from the first floor of the executive tower of the Arizona Capitol. An employee opened an envelope addressed to Governor Jan Brewer which contained a “powdery white substance.” The immediate area and lobby were closed for about thirty minutes, during which time the substance was “packaged as evidence of a crime” and sent to the State lab for analysis, says Staubitz.Chief Staubitz believes during that thirty minutes the employee who opened the package was likely checked out by paramedics who responded to the call, but he does not believe she required any further medical attention.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. Yes, Faisal Shahzad must get Mirandized.
The man’s a naturalized citizen who was arrested on American soil. Glenn Beck is completely correct: we have to Mirandize suspected traitors.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. It Was Mitch McConnell
As news of McConnell’s endorsement of Trey Grayson percolates this morning in Kentucky, we now know which Senior Republican lied to James Dobson to persuade Dobson to endorse Trey Grayson over Rand Paul.The misleader?Mitch McConnell.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Judd Gregg and Bob Corker Sell Out GOP on Bailouts
Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Bob Corker (R-TN) are throwing their own side under the bus on financial deform. It all involves the Federal Reserve.While saying they are working to ensure the federal government stops bailing out businesses, Corker and Gregg are working over time to defeat an amendment offered up by Senators Vitter and Sessions that would actually stop bailouts.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Tragic Profit
You know what’s cool? When organizations and people engaged in political and public policy debates shamelessly exploit tragedies in order to promote their political agendas.The Left is very good at this. But so, it turns out, is the ethanol industry.Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. Well, at least Meghan Cofield’s getting work.
Who is Meghan Cofield? Well, she’s a Ohio worker who lost her job, and it’s all John Kasich’s fault!No, wait, it was all John McCain’s fault!Please click here for the rest of the post.
7. The Public Sector Weight Around Taxpayers’ Necks
“Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relations and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government.” So warned the union-friendly Franklin Roosevelt about the danger of public sector unionism. Some of us have ignored his counsel while others have simply chosen to look the other way. Regardless of your motivation all eyes should now be on public employee unions who continue to bleed American taxpayers dry.Consider the following chart from Sunshine Review that outlines how much more state and local government employees as compared to the private sector. . .Please click here for the rest of the post.
8. BP, LLC: Caution: Heads Exploding — especially the man with his boot on BP’s throat.
After the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, Congress passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, warmly referred to as “OPA90?. OPA90 provided for an emergency spill fund so that response for a future spill could begin right away; established the US Coast Guard as the lead agency responsible for spill response; and for the first time required minimum insurance coverage and detailed spill contingency plans for operators of marine vessels, including operators of offshore oil and gas leases.Another thing that OPA90 did, that seems to have escaped the notice of a legion of plaintiffs’ attorneys and potential claimants: it caps the commercial liability of those operators.Please click here for the rest of the post.
9. Coats Wins. Marlin Stutzman Becomes a Conservative Rock Star
As most all of us, including me, predicted, Dan Coats did win the Indiana primary tonight.But it is worth noting a couple of things:1. Coats was held to about 40% of the vote. 60% voted against him.2. The man in second place who got pretty doggone close was Marlin Stutzman, the man everyone said would come in third.3. Stutzman won a few major counties in Indiana.This puts Coats in the general election. Congratulations to him. It makes Marlin Stutzman a conservative rockstar. He took on the establishment and nearly won.If Dick Lugar retires, Stutzman will go in the front runner.Please click here for the rest of the post.
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