‘It’s just really unfair when you put all that effort into pulling down a statue of President Andrew Jackson and the cops stop you.’
Townhall reporter Julio Rosas watched the drama unfold on Monday night in Washington, D.C’s Lafayette Park.
The first clip shows the scene after police had dispersed the mob with pepper spray.
In the second video, Rosas recorded two extremely angry young women who were shrieking at the police officers. The critical part of her diatribe was muffled. They were clearly upset over not being able to finish pulling down the Andrew Jackson statue and one of them seemed to like the f-word a lot!
The most noteworthy takeaway is just how brazen the rioters are. They’ve been stopped by the police in the act of destroying public property, which is illegal, and instead of being placed under arrest, they are acting like petulant children.
It is their constitutional right to protest peacefully. It is not their right to deface property that doesn’t belong to them.
And one wonders why these women haven’t been arrested. One of them is clearly out of control.
Everyone seems to be afraid to mistreat them. And the police, the government, the powers that be, really need to move past that and start arresting these people. Because those who wantonly try to destroy property are criminals.
Fox News‘ Greg Gutfeld makes a similar point in the tweet below.
when u see "protesters" attacking another monument in lafayette square, u realize they're the least fit, least able people on earth. they succeed cuz no one wants to hurt them. we are like people who would rather take the spider outside than crush it.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) June 23, 2020
Right outside the White House where Parks Police and DC Police have pushed people out of Lafayette Park. Pepper spray is in the air. pic.twitter.com/snjOFwjRr8
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 23, 2020
A protester got pushed to the ground by D.C. Police after putting his hands on an officer, according to an eyewitness. The protester got in the officer’s face and ranted at him. pic.twitter.com/ycbrAue1w8
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 23, 2020
Some in the crowd started a fire in the street and wanted others to make it bigger. Other people said it was a bad idea and put it out. The people who wanted to keep the fire going got upset. pic.twitter.com/QC6i53nglF
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 23, 2020
Police have arrived at the White House where protesters were trying to tear down a statue and build an autonomous zone. Tensions are high: pic.twitter.com/TFnkOR8cs6
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) June 23, 2020
This is immediately prior to the police retaking the area. They weren’t even close to bringing it down. pic.twitter.com/Li5ojEOEpl
— Richie🎥McG🍿 (@RichieMcGinniss) June 23, 2020
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