Good Monday Morning!
RedState’s Water Cooler – February 25, 2019 – Open Thread
Video: China Xinhua News Unveils Incredibly Lifelike AI News Anchors
Three months ago, China Xinhua News introduced an incredibly life-like AI male news anchor. Last week, they unveiled his female counterpart. Both can be viewed in action in the tweets below. The National reports:
Her name is Xin Xiaomeng and she was developed by a joint collaboration between Xinhua and search engine company Sogu. Aside from a few seemingly stiff facial muscles, Xiaomeng is remarkably life-like, complete with hand adjustments during piece-to-cameras, and just enough on-cue blinking. The computer-generated journalist was modelled after real-life Xinhua news anchor Qu Meng, whose voice and image provided inspiration for developers.
Xinhua unveils world's first female #AI news anchor
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) February 20, 2019
Airlines Adding Options for ‘Non-Binary’ Genders
NewsWars Dan Lyman reports that airlines plan to implement new trans-friendly standards.
Lyman said, “airlines will soon be adding booking options for customers who identify with genders other than male or female, including “unspecified” or “undisclosed.”
Airlines for America (A4A) shared the details of a new international standard for ‘non-binary’ passengers with CNN Travel.
The National Center for Transgender Equality has praised A4A’s efforts and issued the following statement:
NCTE applauds the A4A for adding gender options that are reflective of the diversity of their passengers.
Non-binary people face unnecessary, invasive, and discriminatory scrutiny by airlines,airports, and security services alike. A4A’s work is in line with other states who offer gender neutral designations on IDs and is an important step toward ensuring safe and smooth travel for all passengers regardless of their gender.
Note to AOC: ‘Refusal To Work’ Is ‘A Very Complex Concept’
AOC’s Green New Deal promises “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.” It turns out that “unwillingness to work” or rather, the “refusal to work” is a real thing.
The Daily Wire’s Hank Berrien ran across a study of this, well I suppose we can call it a disorder, in a Scientific Journal. Apparently, the refusal to work is a more complex concept than you might think. Berrien published an abstract written by a geographer named Pierpaolo Mudu published in “A Journal of Feminist Geography” which can be read here.
Mudu’s first sentence should provide an understanding for the rest of it.
My comments aim to cast light on a specific political proposal that can arise from a discussion of the topic of the ‘refusal of work’ and its implications for a social radical change.
I don’t recommend reading it. I merely want to point out that, to some on the far left, refusal to work is a real thing, they say it’s a very complex issue and that some people actually study it.
A Bit of Trivia:
Adam Schiff’s wife is named Eve.
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