“This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used.”
– First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, 1942
Congresswoman, Martha McSally (R-Arizona), the first female to fly an aircraft into combat and serve as commander of a fighter squadron, has initiated the WASP Arlington Inurnment Restoration Act in response to a memo issued by then acting Secretary of the Army, John McHugh in March of 2015. The memo rescinds previous authority granted to the WASPs to inurn their ashes at the Columbarium on Arlington National Cemetery grounds. The bill passed the House 22 March 2016 by 385 – 0.
P.S. During a House hearing discussion, Rep. Martha McSally spoke directly to a core Obama failure,
“You really believe the commander-in-chief does not have the authority right now – I mean, he makes executive orders all the time – that he can’t say the WASPs are allowed or [grant] a group exception to policy.” – Star and Stripes, 16 March 2016
Reince Priebus, making the Sunday show stops, opened a proverbial pandora’s box with outrageous talk of delegate allocation rules applying to electing the Vice President. The hell you say!
As if this election year wasn’t being driven off the rails, any remote familiarity to modern history would beeline to feral rapidly on the convention floor if VP rules, rule.
While shooting the breeze on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked where the RNC stood with the VP vetting process at the moment and if the RNC planned on getting involved,
“You know, not particularly. I mean, we certainly are equipped with our research team to do it. But that’s another interesting question. Because the delegates choose the vice president, as well. And that’s a subject no one’s really talking about, is that that’s another vote on the floor that the delegates choose. And so while I’m sure, obviously, the choice of whoever the nominee is going to be important, it’s still up for a vote of the delegates.”
What’s the Big idea behind Preibus’ VP talk? Would the delegates move with the nominee’s pick or get creative? Why would Anyone want to be Trump’s VP?
Valentines Make Kids Feel Really Bad
The parenting website “The Stir,” compiled into a slide show, a kind of 80’s Not so Greatest hits, promoted no less by an Associated Press Tweet. The author of the piece, Ms. Cote, implied that 80’s school practices were mean and irresponsible and really, just unfit for children.
“Stand in the Corner”
“Kids weren’t forced to wear dunce caps anymore in the 80’s, but everybody remembers hearing the words “Go stand in the corner!” Now, however, standing in the corner is widely considered to be a cruel and even corporal punishment.”
“Widely considered,” by whom?
“Pick Valentines”
“Remember the horrible feeling of NOT getting a valentine from your grade school crush? With some schools banning the holiday entirely and others implementing all-or-nothing valentine policies (read: bring in valentines for EVERYBODY in class or no one at all), hurt feelings are now a thing of the past.”
As Megyn Kelly might say, “Toughen up, Buttercup!”
The slide show is not so much a commentary on the 80’s, as it is a jarring testimony of the new millenium’s political correctness experiment gone horribly awry. It’s with no great wonder we’re experiencing a revolt. In the history books it will be named, “The Trump Rebellion” and all youths will be encouraged to study hard it’s origins and affects so as to never let it happen again.
Then There’s This…
– Third Party spoiler and a three-way tie could spur The House to choose President.
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