As could be easily predicted, last night’s Democrat version of the Beach Scene from Lord of the Flies was, shall I say, somewhat less than engaging. Even giving the leftists some handicap points due to the self-inflicted constraints of a phone-it-in convention, it was still a mess, if a predictable mess.
In somewhat of a shocker, the leftists did a video montage of the preamble to the Constitution, followed by the National Anthem. I’m curious about two things….how long it took the leftists to find the words…and how many kneeled.
Eva Longoria Bastion, soap opera actress of Desperate Housewives fame served as convention moderator.
After the intro, the moderator did a “check in” with various folks around the U.S. Interestingly, not one of them could point to anything of substance that is moving them to vote for Biden.
If I was producing an infomercial touting a specific product, I’d give this a C(+)-B(-) and likely would not purchase it.
One of the most surreal monuments was the live stream of recordings of Joe Biden live-streaming with other folks. A live stream of a recording of another live stream. Really?!
Up until former First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech (more on that later) this (non) event was a succession of pre-recorded speeches interspersed with bad music videos, one I viewed as nothing more than a nasally mewling blonde in a nightgowns hope didn’t even come anywhere near the talent of Annie Lennox of the Eurythmics on the Scottish moors.
There was one segment of pusillanimous “Republican” former officeholders,. The grand finale of this group was that weasel, John Kasich. ‘Nuff said.
I would state that the leftists did indeed check many Demographic blocks:
Black? Check
Female? Check
Latinox? Check
Italian? Check
Arab “victim” of a Trump attack? Check
Allegedly “Conservative” Republicans who are “appalled” at where Trump has taken the party? Check
Missing from tonight…but there are still 3 more days:
Male Homosexual
Female Homosexual
Bi/Tri/Multi Sexual
Did I miss anybody? Please lemme know in the comments.
After the demographic checks and policy nods, there was really only one important piece of this waste of internet bandwidth. That was articulated by Bernie Sanders. His speech was the most important takeaway…Bernie claimed that his part of the party is now ascendant. He made the case that the Democrat Party is all-in on all of the Socialist planks that will ultimately comprise their platform. Put another way, if something happens to Ol’ Joe…the party won’t ease, slide or lurch left. It will dive headlong into Socialist tyranny. That is the only substance I could see in this, as my good friend and colleague Becca Lower referred to it, “a 2 hour Trump Derangement Syndrome Infomercial.
This is only a hot take from the first night. The party of want, deprivation, and envy, still has three more nights to check off the rest of the demographic, policy, and grievance blocks. Even if they manage to put together an informative, engaging event, I just don’t see it getting anywhere near as much traction as a live, televised event, with the huge crowd, balloons, and all the pageantry these things involve. Ultimately, I see this 4-night event as an opportunity to publicly, or as the divorce lawyers say, openly and notoriously, synch up the media talking points and themes for the remainder of the campaign.
This is merely the perspective of an old, beat down Infantryman. If I was really smart at this stuff, I’d be making a goodly chunk of change advising some campaign or another. In short, your mileage may vary folks. Buckle up.
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