This is the 38th in a series of nightly updates regarding Wuhan Virus numbers in these United States. As of 2359Z, the below charts reflect current U.S. Wuhan virus numbers.
Slide One’s data table shows New U.S. Infections, while its associated graphic shows the trend line over time. Today’s number of new infections reported, is 37,170, which is 555 fewer than yesterday. The curve in new infections is still moving in the right direction.
Slide Two’s data table shows New U.S. Fatalities and New U.S. Fatalities with New York’s numbers extracted. The graphic on the right, shows the trend lines over time. Today, we added 1,858 to the total count of American deaths, raising the total to 52,092. This was 717 fewer fatalities than yesterday. However, Erroneous classification procedures now promoted by the Federal government and the fact that New York continues to be an outlier, continue going skew the numbers. By showing Fatalities both with and without New York’s numbers, our Red State Readers can compare both lines and draw their own conclusions.
Slide 3’s data table contains the estimated U.S. Wuhan Virus Mortality Rate. The Mortality Rate (M/R) (calculated by dividing the number of reported U.S. Infections into the number of reported U.S Fatalities) remains over 5%. The graphic to the right contains not only the estimated M/R trend line, but also the trend lines if as is currently being reported, the number of infections is significantly larger than first thought. It shows the M/R if we assume for each reported case of Wuhan Virus, there are 1, 10 or 20 other persons out there with it. These numbers will change going forward as we find better, more accurate information to use as the denominator.
For today’s report:
M/R = 5.64%
+1 = 1.28%
+10 =0.51%
+20 =0.27%
Analysis: Today, we see the evidence of continued artificial tampering with the numbers And yet again the continued outsized impact the State of New York has on reporting. However, given new reports that the number of U.S. infections is far larger than originally thought, the Mortality Rate appears to be moving towards that of our annual flu. More to follow on this.
This coming Sunday, will be the last daily report. Starting Monday morning at 1000EST, it will become a weekly update…unless of course, circumstances change.
The Red State Team hopes this is of some value. Whether it is or isn’t, please let me know in the comments.
Prayers for all the folks on the front lines of this effort who are putting themselves at risk on our behalf.
Below is the screenshot of the Worldometers site, showing the “as of” timestamp for the data in this post.
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