
This Is What Weaponized Insanity Looks Like

AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson, File

You are at war. 

Like most wars nowadays, this mostly involves the fight to put your ideas and virtues on top in a bid for cultural supremacy. I say mostly, because too many innocents have been wounded or killed in this fight, including children. 

This is the fight against transgender insanity, and I use the term "insanity" very purposefully. As I've pointed out before in previous articles, many of these people aren't exactly right in the head. In fact, many of them seem to suffer from personality disorders, and while I'm no psychologist, their behavior conveys the "Cluster B" personality disorder: 

Histrionics, black and white thinking, narcissism, and even impulsive threats. It was all there. These people aren't actually in danger, and a part of them knows that deep down, but they thrive on conflict, so they create it for everyone, including themselves. Nothing but absolute compliance to their whims and demands will solve the issues, which will never be solved because solving issues would mean an end to their dramatics, and they can't have that. 

The struggle is their entire personality.

(READ: The Left Is Putting the 'Psycho' In Psychological Warfare)

The thing is, this is more than just personal dramatics. Transgenderism conducted a major blitzkrieg in American society, to the point where it actually gained real power over people and even governments. You've heard many of the stories yourself, but I'm going to give you another example right here. 

A mother at the Deerfield Public Schools District 109 meeting in Illinois told the story of how her 13-year-old daughter's school forced her to change in front of male students who identified as female after the daughter refused to do so during a previous encounter. As the mother points out, there is already a gender-neutral option, yet these boys still wanted to use the girl's locker room, and school officials were more than happy to give the boys what they want, and forced them to change their clothes. 

That was awful to hear about, and should definitely get your blood boiling. The fact that school officials would force girls to change despite not wanting to, especially with the threat of boys watching, is criminal. As a parent myself, the idea that adults would literally deprive my child of deserved privacy would send me into a rage. 

But then this happened at some point after the mother spoke. 

A woman with a "protect trans kids" shirt that features a knife under the word "protect," took to the podium and began insulting the mother who spoke, saying she pushes a "white supremacist agenda" on behalf of their "cis white husbands" and their "white God." 

The woman continued to stare and insult the mother as she spoke, and eventually the board had to stop her from doing that. 

These are not people who are trying to find a middle ground or come to some kind of understanding. These are hostile people willing to go on the offensive to get what they want. They're not right in the head, and need help, but instead we're having to contend with them for power on behalf of our children. Many of these people don't even have children of their own, but claim to fight on behalf of "trans kids," a thing that doesn't actually exist in reality, and are only present because adults like these people encourage them to be. 

To be absolutely clear, they heard that a female child was being forced to change, likely in the presence of boys, and their reaction was to call the mother a white supremacist under the control of her white husband and white God. 

What part of that kind of response is sane? 

These people are not the victims they claim to be, they are the invading force attempting to take over your towns, schools, and nations. They are not peaceful, they are not friendly, and they are not here to make things inclusive for everyone. Their aim is subjugation, not inclusion, and it's not even really you that they're primarily after, it's your children. 

And that's who you're primarily fighting for when you resist these people. Your children are literally at risk from these groomers and predators. 


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