
The Left Is Putting the 'Psycho' In Psychological Warfare

AP Photo/Patrick Orsagos

Anyone whose been in the game long enough understands that much of the left's power comes through division, and in order to create that division, the left creates groups of people they split off and put into different categories. These sub-categories are numerous, but they all fall into one of two larger categories of "victim" and "oppressor." 

The left's job is to convince these victim groups that they're victims to such a degree that their life is on the line if they don't actively work to give those in charge on the left more power. They prey on the fears of these groups, using out-of-context phrases, misrepresented aims, or just straight up lies to do so. Over time, convincing certain groups they're oppressed by oppressors can create highly loyal, if not rabid, supporters. 

One of these groups is the LGBT community, where the "T," in particular, is prone to histrionics of the grandest order. 

This is a group that truly believes it's under attack and on the verge of being murdered in the streets at any moment, and not by random people, but by the government they live under. 

This is all nonsense, of course. As I've covered in the past, transgender people are one of the least murdered groups in the country, and most of the murders that do happen are done by members of that community or suicides, the latter of which is the most common. 

(READ: Transgender People Are Not Under Threat and Their Movement Is the Height of Narcissism)

But the left has so convinced the transgender community that it's fighting for its life that they're willing to display bizarre levels of drama. The thing is, this is just fine with the transgender community, because many inside it are actively looking for reasons to act in this regard. While I'm no psychologist and can't officially diagnose anyone, it's pretty clear that many of these people suffer from Cluster B personality disorder. 

To give you a visual representation of what I mean, watch this recent clip from a city council meeting in Worcester, Massachusetts. In this clip, a woman who is dressed like a clown gets up and pleads for the city to be something of a sanctuary city for the LGBT community because they're lives are threatened by Donald Trump, and she ends by saying if the council doesn't make it a safe space for them, then they'll make sure the city isn't safe for anyone. 

This is followed up by someone who is warned that their time is up, and they sarcastically ask if they're taking too long pleading for their life before screaming, slamming the podium and storming off. 

These are just a couple clowns in the circus that parades past this podium, as you'll see, but they all share the same willingness to be overly dramatic about the supposed tragedies and atrocities faced by their community. 

Yes, the clown threatened the city, but you don't need Batman to solve this. 

What many city leaders need to understand is that these people aren't victims of anything but their personality disorders. As I mentioned before, while I can't diagnose them professionally, it's not hard to see that these people have a "Cluster B" personality disorder, which cause their thinking to revolve solely around their emotions. 

Histrionics, black and white thinking, narcissism, and even impulsive threats. It was all there. These people aren't actually in danger, and a part of them knows that deep down, but they thrive on conflict, so they create it for everyone, including themselves. Nothing but absolute compliance to their whims and demands will solve the issues, which will never be solved because solving issues would mean an end to their dramatics, and they can't have that. 

The struggle is their entire personality. 

Here's the thing to understand. The clowns you saw in that Worcester circus are just the most extreme kind. This kind of thinking is pretty pervasive on the left through and through. Not all of them are gender-confused or fall into some victimhood category. If they aren't the victims themselves, then they nobly fight for others and as such, that makes them virtuous. That "virtue" makes any actions they take justifiable. 

If you don't let them rule the city, they'll burn it to the ground. Either way, everyone else loses, but it's okay because it's all being done by the "good guys." 

City leaders across the nation need to recognize this tactic for what it is. It's domestic terrorism and emotional manipulation dressed as "fighting the good fight" and "standing up for equality" or "making a welcoming environment for everyone." It's psychological warfare, where many leaders don't even realize they're in a war. They cave because they want to be seen as having "compassion" or they're guilted into compliance. 

If I was a city council leader, I would have asked the clown point-blank if she was threatening the city, and if she was, what does this threat entail. I would have forced them, through basic questions, to declare themselves enemies of the city if they don't get what they want, and in that I would have had what I needed to not only side against them, but had good reason to prepare my police force in the event of an actual riot, and ready jail cells. 

Not that every city leader is willing to do this. Worcester ended up caving to their demands in a 9-2 vote, and it's now a "sanctuary city" for the LGBT community. They effectively proved to these people that threats work. Given, the resolution is mostly symbolic, as State and Federal laws can't be overridden. This was all virtue signaling by everyone involved. 

But it goes beyond the LGBT community. A lot of leftist "activism" looks like this, but it's not activism, it's coercion. The problem is that if the left is able to get away with this, then they'll begin to ask what else they can get away with? At that point, the psychological battle is already won. Their foot is in the door. They control the city, and they're not good keepers of it. 

Narcissists and the mentally ill are rarely good keepers of anything. 


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