
Brace Yourself: The Election of Donald Trump Won't Be Smooth

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

At this point, I'm not entirely sure how Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election without some very cleverly hidden cheating, done so well that it would take some real digging for years to find it all. 

Moreover, I think the Democrats know their chances of winning are pretty minimal at this point. The conversations they're having with each other, the finger pointing, and the unhinged accusations make it apparent to me, at least, that they know their time in power is limited. For a party that thinks power is all that really matters in the end, this is panic-inducing stuff, and they're lashing out. 

Lashing out is part and parcel of the leftist experience. When you don't get your way, it's because evil forces are too entrenched into the system to fix it normally, and as such, violent retaliation is a legitimate and viable option. Moreover, it feels good to do, and the left is all about doing things because they feel good, not because it is good. 

Democrats have often utilized this penchant for violence to their advantage. Both the 2016 and 2020 elections were famous for the Black Lives Matter riots, a set of destructive protests that were widespread across America. Burning, looting, violence, and murder weren't just a part of it, Democrats in both Washington and the media applauded and encouraged it. 

That encouragement is continuing today, and I can't help but think it's getting worse.

There's an unspoken rule that if the left is constantly accusing others of doing something, it's because they are doing it themselves. One of the things they often do is utilize dog whistles in order to subtly frame any situation in a way that gives them an element of control of it. The left is very good at playing the language game, giving things definitions that allow them to put any debate or conversation on a leftist-friendly footing. 

They've been playing that game with Trump for nearly eight years now, using various terms and accusations to make it seem as if he truly is a threat to the American people, and not in the way of pushing policies they simply disagree with. They mean an actual, physical, clear and present threat to their existence. The continued use of this language has literally made people try to assassinate Trump on two confirmed occasions and a possible third that is being investigated. 

If, and more likely when, Trump takes office, this won't rhetoric won't die down. There will be retribution from the left, and it seems like the stage is already being set for that. As The Federalist's John Daniel Davidson wrote, the noise coming out of the left sounds a lot like attempts to panic people about Trump's oncoming victory: 

The vice president, her voice rising in outrage, jabbed her finger at Baier and said, “You and I both know that he has talked about turning the American military on the American people. He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful protest. He has talked about locking people up because they disagree with him.”

At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania this week she told the crowd that former President Donald Trump considers anyone who doesn’t support him to be an enemy of the United States. “He is saying he would use the military to go after them.”

Earlier this week, during an audio town hall with Charlamagne Tha God, Harris claimed without a hint of irony that if Trump is elected he’ll use the Department of Justice “as a weapon against his political enemies,” adding, “You know who does that? Dictators do that.” At one point during the show, she agreed with a caller who said Trump will lock “anyone who doesn’t look white into camps,” replying, “You’ve hit on a really important point and expressed it I think so well.”

Is this an attempt to sway people into voting for Harris using fear? Of course, that's how Democrats get a lot of their votes. For all their "joy," the Democrats sure do like telling people that if they're not voted into office, they're all going to die. 

And you can see how many people actually believe it. It's pure insanity, but insanity is definitely an infection that's taken hold over a great deal of the population. 

(READ: Let's Say Trump Wins. What Happens Next?)

I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that Democrats aren't going to take this lying down. They see any loss of power as egregious, and they sell it as apocalyptic. They will be looking for any excuse they can to create a narrative of Trump utilizing his power to harm people. Every story will be blown out of proportion, and ever talking head will use it to push the idea that it is, in fact, doomsday. 

The odds of there being riots in the streets, violence in cities, and more is too high. 

Brace yourself. Invest in firearms to defend yourself with. This could get ugly. 


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