
The RNC's Message Is One That the Democrats Couldn't Possibly Comprehend

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

Watching the RNC last night was fascinating in more ways than one. It was incredible to see the unity there, but that unity wasn't forced at all. People were very excited to be charging forward under one banner. 

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the banner the RNC was rallying around had the name Trump/Vance plastered in bold letters on it, but despite that fact, the RNC's primary focus wasn't Trump. Don't get me wrong, it was a massive part of the messaging to be sure. It would be weird if it wasn't, given recent events and the fact that he's the official Republican candidate. 

But ultimately, the RNC's message was very simple but very profound. 

"This is about you." 

The funny thing is, in any other election cycle, this message would have been worthy of eye rolls. Every election cycle, politicians and talking heads smile at the camera and tell you how much they want to get into office to fix all the problems for Americans, but this year, it actually felt genuine. 

To prove it, they put up people on stage with "Everyday American" emblazoned behind them on the screen. Five people who experienced the American dream were put on stage. People who came from nothing and absolute hardship to become successful. The message was that we can have this again. That America is still there, but we have to unite together and push the Democrats out to get it first.

Yes, Trump is the man to spearhead the effort, but ultimately, it's not about him, it's about you. 

Even the people who couldn't be there anymore, like Corey Comperatore, were highlighted with great respect. 

This entire message is the continuation of something that Trump said a long time ago, when he told America that they really wanted you, Trump was just in the way. I can't help but agree with that. Look at anyone who remotely complicates the agenda the left has for America. They suddenly find themselves knee-deep in some kind of trouble, even if they didn't do anything illegal. 

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The thing is, the left's message is also "this is about you." However, now that we've watched them at their most unhinged, "this is about you" looks pretty unhinged when the left says it. It's like a salivating wolf saying the phrase to sheep. 

The Democrat Party's approach to "helping" America takes on the feel of them saying, "This is for your own good," whereas the Republican Party's approach is "You don't need us in your way to thrive." The Democrats want you to submit; the Republicans want you to live like an American should. 

This is the fundamental difference between the parties right now, but it's one that the Democrats can't seem to understand. I don't think many of them have drifted so far away from being a party that represents the people thanks to a slow creep of radicalism, corruption, and isolation within ideological bubbles. Many within the party, and indeed on the left, truly believe they know better and that what they're doing is a good thing. They think they're the heroes. 

But they lost the plot. They forgot they are fallible humans themselves. They got so infected with their own hate that they think their hatred of people is good. They willfully operate on this hate under the full understanding that their hatred causes them to, as was pointed out by Trump last night, operate for only half the country while damning the other half, but doing so in good conscience. 

They brainwashed themselves into thinking villainy is a virtue. 

The reason the RNC seemed so genuine and united is because amidst all the villainy we've experienced over the past few years, one party still remembers an America as it's supposed to be.


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